
Struggling Man

Jimmy Cliff
Lingua: Inglese

Jimmy Cliff

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Parole e musica di Jimmy Cliff
La canzone che intitola il suo album del 1973

Struggling Man
Every man has a right to live
Love is all that we have to give
Together we struggle by our will to survive
And together we fight just to stay alive

Struggling man has got to move
Struggling man no time to lose
I'm a struggling man
And I've got to move on

As the sun lights the day and the moon lights the night
Struggling man keeps reaching for the higher heights
So we plan for tomorrow as we live for today
Like a flower we bloom, and then later fade away

Struggling man has got to move
Struggling man no time to lose
I'm a struggling man
And I've got to move on

Struggling man has got to move
Struggling man no time to lose
I'm a struggling man
And I've got to move on

Struggling man, struggling man
Struggling man, struggling man
Struggling man, struggling man...

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 30/3/2018 - 22:32

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