
Livččen riidalit hearráiguin

Åsa Blind

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Musica / Music / Musique / Musihkka / Musik / Musikka: Åsa Blind
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sánit / Text / Sanat: Mikkel Utsi
From the 1976 album De čábba niegut runiidit by Åsa Blind, Jaakko Gauriloff and Nils-Aslak Valkeapää
e čábba niegut runiidit

Sincere thanks to Åsa Blind for her help with the Sami lyrics and for her Swedish translation of them / Ett varmt tack till Åsa Blind för hennes hjälp med den samiska sångtexten och för hennes svenska översättning av den.

Heartiest congratulations to the Antiwarsongs staff for 15 years of great work. [JR]

Un ringraziamento sincero a Åsa Blind per il suo aiuto con il testo Sami e per la sua traduzione svedese. Congratulazioni di cuore allo staff di Canzoni Contro la Guerra per il 15 anni di grande lavoro.[JR]

Picture of a Lapp village by Andreas Alariesto (1900 - 1989), native of the ancient Sami community Sompio in central Lappland. In the late 1960s, large parts of Sompio were drowned by the Lokka Reservoir.
Picture of a Lapp village by Andreas Alariesto (1900 - 1989), native of the ancient Sami community Sompio in central Lappland. In the late 1960s, large parts of Sompio were drowned by the Lokka Reservoir.

Drowning Reindeer, Drowning Homes – Indigenous Sámi and Hydroelectricity

"This is a book regarding violence that was done against land, nature and people. It tells globally little-known story of an Indigenous people, the Sámi and other local people living in the Sompio (Vuotso) region of Province of Lapland, Finland. Events have taken place in the region which are relevant to the Arctic and global discussions on climate and ecological changes. The book tells about the price that local communities and northern nature have paid for modernity. This book traces the histories and cultural landscape of southern part of Finnish Sápmi (Sámi homeland). Included are voices on northern climate change. A central theme, which runs through the book, is the River Kemijoki that was harnessed for hydroelectric power in 1948. By late 1960s the construction of the dams and the electricity industry had reached the headwaters of the river, an area where the Sámi and other local people were living and practicing their subsistence economies and age-old traditional cultures. Even though the reindeer was the dominant connection with the land ecosystem, the economy also included many other connections to land and water ecosystems. It can be called “the Sámi ecosystem”. In the span of a few years a whole culture was murdered, destroyed, flooded. Process bears the hallmark of a cultural and linguistic genocide. International attention to the questions of Lokka and Porttipahta reservoirs has been in waiting since 1970s. This book arrives in a very timely situation regarding energy production questions in Northern Finland. It is only now that the United Nations under the auspices of the UN Association of Finland through the well-coordinated ‘Global Citizens Platform’ Project has teamed up with the independent non-profit Snowchange Cooperative and the local Sámi of Vuotso to offer an international assessment of the situation. It comes 40 years after the events that are discussed took place. The artificial lakes have been built, villages burned and reindeer pastures flooded. Yet the magnitude, relevance and on-going social, cultural and environmental damages resulting from the catastrophe of Lokka and Porttipahta reservoirs need to be addressed. Construction process resulted in system shifts in the whole ecological complex of the region. This book offers mechanisms for discussion on the local level, on national level and as well on the international level so that the little-known situation in Finland becomes more widely exposed. The Sámi have argued, for example the case of diamond mining exploration in Utsjoki, on the basis of both collective and individual rights that have been in breach (Tunón et al. 2015). Some of the breaches of EJ have relevance as individual right breaches (The Constitution of Finland 1999), but for the purposes of the inquiry here, it is the collective, undetermined rights of the Sámi that are violated through the state actions and decisions (Aikio 1977;Raitio 2003;Anaya 2004;Aikio et al. 2010). This emerges as a major issue in the context of having none of the inherent Sámi rights issues solved, despite decades of discussion."
Livččen riidalit hearráiguin
livččen muitalit duođa
cealkit daidda buohkaide
maid leat baháid dahkan
gielain, lágain ja bahpariin
buriid eatnamiid váldán
jeahkáliid čiehkan ovssiiguin
rási hohkadan čáziin.

Livččen riidalit hearráiguin
livččen cábmit ja bealkit
váldit ruoktot buriid buot
maid mii leat ferten addit
jos in livčče nu unni
jos mii eat livčče nu moadde
jos sii vel ipmirdivčče
sámi iežas giela

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 20/3/2018 - 13:44

Langue: suédois

Traduzione svedese / Swedish translation / Traduction suédoise / Svensk översättning: Åsa Blind

Jag skulle bråka med herrarna
jag skulle berätta sanningen
säga till dem alla
det onda de gjort
med språket, med lagen och med papperet
tagit bra betesland
gömt undan renlaven med kvistar
dränkt gräset med vatten.

Jag skulle bråka med herrarna
jag skulle slå och skälla ut
ta tillbaka allt de goda
som vi tvingats att ge
om inte jag vore så liten
om inte vi vore så få
och om de skulle förstå
samens eget språk.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 20/3/2018 - 13:46

Langue: suédois

Traduzione svedese 2 / Swedish translation 2 / Traduction suédoise 2 / Svensk översättning 2: Juha Rämö

Jag skulle ha stridit med herrarna
berättat sanningen
sagt till dom alla
förtäljt om ondskan dom gjort
till språket, lagen och pappren
den goda marken dom tagit
laven dom täckt undan med ris
gräset dom dränkt under vatten.

Jag skulle ha stridit med herrarna
slagit och bannat
tagit tillbaka allt det goda
man tvingat oss att ge upp
om jag inte vore så liten
om vi inte vore så få
om dom ens skulle förstå
vårt säregna samiska språk.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 20/3/2018 - 13:47

Langue: finnois

Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise / Suomennos: Eva Buchholz

Olisin riidellyt herrojen kanssa
olisin kertonut totuuden
sanonut niille kaikille
mitä ovat pahoja tehneet
kielelle, laille ja papereille.
Hyvät maat ovat ottaneet
jäkälän peittäneet risujen alle
ruohon hukuttaneet veteen.

Olisin riidellyt herrojen kanssa
olisin lyönyt ja haukkunut
ottanut takaisin kaikki hyvät
mitkä meiltä on viety
jos en olisi niin pieni
jos meitä ei olisi niin vähän
jos he vielä ymmärtäisivät
saamen omanlaista kieltä.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 20/3/2018 - 13:49

Langue: allemand

Traduzione tedesca / German translation / Traduction allemande / Deutsche Übersetzung: Peer Buchholz

Ich hätte mit den Herren gestritten
hätte ihnen die Wahrheit gesagt
hätte ihnen allen gesagt
was sie Schlechtes angetan haben
der Sprache, dem Gesetz und mit Papieren.
Das gute Land haben sie genommen
die Flechte mit Reisern bedeckt
das Gras im Wasser ertränkt.

Ich hätte mit den Herren gestritten
hätte geschlagen und geschimpft
hätte mir all das Gute wiedergenommen
was wir aufgeben mußten
wenn ich nicht so klein wäre
wenn wir nicht so wenige wären
wenn sie wenigstens verstehen würden
unsere eigenartige samische Sprache.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 20/3/2018 - 13:50

Langue: anglais

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise: Juha Rämö

I would have argued with the authorities
told them the truth
made them all understand
the evils they've done
to the language, the law and the papers
the good land they've taken
the liken they've covered with slash
the grass they've drowned under water.

I would have argued with the authorities
hit and denounced them
taken back all the good
they made us give up
if I wasn't this small
if we weren't this few
if only they would understand
this unique Sami language of ours.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 20/3/2018 - 13:51

Langue: italien

Traduzione italiana di Riccardo Venturi
(Dalle versioni in svedese, tedesco e inglese)
21 marzo 2018 08:27

Avrei dovuto lottare con le autorità,
dire loro la verità,
far loro capire a tutte
i mali che hanno commesso
alla lingua e alla legge con le loro scartoffie.
La buona terra di pascolo che si sono prese,
il lichene ricoperto di risaie,
l'erba sommersa dall'acqua.

Avrei dovuto lottare con le autorità,
le avrei dovute colpire e denunciare,
riprendermi tutti quei beni
a cui ci hanno fatto rinunciare
se io non fossi così piccolo,
se noi non fossimo così pochi,
se solo capissero
questa nostra e unica lingua Sami.

21/3/2018 - 08:27

Thanks to Juha Rämö (JR) for all the invaluable contributions (original lyrics, translations, videos and audio links) he has made and is still making to our website. It should be remarked that Juha's contributions are often in languages we normally don't have easy access to (first of all, his native Finnish).

CCG/AWS Staff - 21/3/2018 - 09:31

@Juha: it seems that the biography refers to Åsa Larsson Blind, for sure not the same person since she was born in 1980. I found an available picture of the "original" Åsa Blind in 1976 from the LP and included it in discogs and in our author page, but I think the notes from the bio should be reviewed.

Lorenzo - 20/6/2021 - 17:30

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