
Come Back Stronger

Ryan Harvey, Kareem Samara, & Shireen Lilith
Language: English

Ryan Harvey, Kareem Samara, & Shireen Lilith

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Album : Thin Blue Border - Vol. 1


"The album is our attempt to honor the hopes of the Arab Spring and the period of global rebellion that followed in its wake, and to chronicle its tragic aftermath. From Tahrir Square and Gezi to the shores of Lesvos and Calais, these songs paint a sincere, heartfelt, and urgent picture of the world since 2011."Fonte
With your dreams, you move the world
You pull them from your heart, the spark travels far
They will move if they are ready to move

With your hands, you move the world
By example you prove what's possible
They will move if they are ready to move

With patience, you move the world
It build up slow, stay present as it grows
They will move if they are ready to move

You can see the path, the way it unfolds before you
You travel down it and it grows.

With your heart, you move the world
Chant your chant and sing your song, keep the people strong
They will move if they are ready to move

With your fists, you move the world
It boils and it teethes, it ruptures and bleeds
They will move if they are ready to move

You can see the path, the way it unfolds before you
You travel down it and it grows.

With courage, you move the world
Face the gas and the baton, and come back stronger
They will move if they are ready to move

You can see the path, the way it unfolds before you
You travel down it and it grows.

Contributed by adriana - 2018/3/17 - 09:02

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