
War's No Fairytale

Language: English


Related Songs

Massacre of Innocence (Air Attack)
Death Is Imminent
(Broken Bones)
The Point of Agony
(Broken Bones)

EP: "Fight Back" (1980)

Fight Back
Government and queen are your only enemies
Don't be fooled by their plastic smiles

War's no fairytale, guns and bombs aren't fucking toys

They don't wanna know your views of war
They never stop to think about you

War's no fairytale, guns and bombs aren't fucking toys

They want you kept in the darkness of
The realities of war

War's no fairytale, guns and bombs aren't fucking toys

Meat flung yards apart from bodies
Are typical sights of war

War's no fairytale, guns and bombs aren't fucking toys

2018/3/15 - 22:54

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