

Langue: anglais


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Nell'album "American Fall", uscito lo scorso novembre.

American Fall
We say "No, not in our name."

It's in the things that you say and you don't say
You don't know it cause you're such a fuckin' cliche
The way you define them & us
Those you fear and those you trust
You know a black guy and he's very articulate
You know a Mexican and she's honest and diligent
You don't see color but some people need discipline
A thug is a thug, some people need to learn a lesson

Your justifications, one dead give away
Your qualifications, one dead give away
You'd never endorse the Jim Crow days (1)
But the malice in your voice is a god damn give away

Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
A bigot with a check list
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
You don't get a pass when you're talkin' your shit
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
A bigot with a check list
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
You don't get a pass, get a pass for your ignorance

Black lives matter and you don't know why (2)
And reverse racism isn't a real thing
No you weren't alive in the time of slavery
But that's no excuse to ignore its legacy
Not afraid of refugees
But don't want a mosque built on your street
Offended by the claim of bigotry
More than the racism in your face

Your justifications, one dead give away
Your qualifications, one dead give away
You'd never endorse the Bull Connor days (3)
But the malice in your voice is a god damn give away

Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
A bigot with a check list
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
You don't get a pass when you're talkin' your shit
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
A bigot with a check list
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
You don't get a pass, get a pass for your ignorance

You fly the flag of the Confederacy (4)
You say to celebrate your history
The South was fighting to save slavery
To preserve and protect white supremacy

Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
A bigot with a check list
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
You don't get a pass when you're talkin' your shit
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
A bigot with a check list
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
You don't get a pass, get a pass for your ignorance

Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
Just 'cause you don't know you're sexist
Just 'cause you don't know you're fascist
You don't get a pass for your ignorance
Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
Just 'cause you don't know you're sexist
Just 'cause you don't know you're fascist
You don't get a pass, get a pass for your ignorance
(1) "Jim Crow": con questo nome viene indicato il sistema istituzionale legislativamente fondato sul presupposto ‎della disuguaglianza e segregazione razziale che fu in vigore negli States dal 1876 (ma di fatto dalla ‎loro costituzione) al 1965 e che ha reso la vita un inferno per gli afro-americani specialmente negli ‎Stati del sud. Il nomignolo "Jim Crow" è da far risalire a "Jump Jim Crow", canzonetta popolare del ‎‎1828 di tal Thomas Dartmouth (T.D.) "Daddy" Rice, un cabarettista bianco che la interpretava ‎truccato da afroamericano.‎ Sulle CCG/AWS si vedano al proposito – fra le tante - canzoni come Jim Crow Blues, Jim Crow Train, I Don't Want No Jim Crow Coffee e Northbound Blues.

Black Lives Matter

(2) Black lives matter: Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. BLM regularly holds protests speaking out against police killings of black people, and broader issues such as racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system. (en.wikipedia)

(3) Bull Connor: Theophilus Eugene Connor, meglio conosciuto come Bull Connor (1897-1973), è stato un pubblico amministratore di Birmingham, Alabama, dalla fine degli anni 30 ai primi anni 70. Segregazionista ed oppositore del movimento per i diritti civili, Bull Connor si contraddistinse per i suoi metodi violenti usati contro le manifestazioni pacifiche (in particolare la carovana dei Freedom Riders nl 1961) e per la tolleranza e connivenza verso i suprematisti del KKK.


envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 20/1/2018 - 22:49

Scusate, il link alla nota 2 - quello al sito del BLM - l'ho formattato male...

B.B. - 20/1/2018 - 22:54

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