
It's My House

Lingua: Inglese


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Parole e musica di Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., arte Mika (1983-), cantautore e showman libanese naturalizzato britannico.
Singolo che è stato la sigla del programma televisivo "Stasera Casa Mika", in onda su RAI2 nell'ottobre/novembre 2017.

It's My House

Mika è un grande artista, solo in apparenza un autore disimpegnato. Il suo glam-pop è invece interamente volto a seminare tolleranza, amore e pace. In una recente intervista radiofonica a proposito del suo programma TV "Stasera Casa Mika" l'ho sentito pronunciare la seguente frase: "La nostra casa è dove siamo liberi, sennò siamo solo dei miserabili."
Don't even try to tempt me with the keys of the Taj Mahal
Or the Leaning Tower of Pisa 'cause I heard it's about to fall
There ain't no pyramids or palaces for me
Already got a home, it's the only place I need

It might be big, it might be small
Ain't no paintings on the wall
And the bed might not be long enough
The neighbours want us all to leave
And they're callin' the police
They'd kick us out if they were strong enough

It's my house
'cause my house is your house
My heart is too
It's my house
'cause my house is your house
There's room for you
It's my house

Ain't no walls you can keep my heart in
Ain't no walls I won't lock you out
It's my house

You don't need a flying pigeon 'cause you already know the way
You can bring your best friend with you and I'd love to have you stay
We can make some music yeah, we can watch the sun go down
This house is yours and mine, you can always stick around

It might be big, it might be small
Ain't no paintings on the wall
And the bed might not be long enough
The neighbors want us all to leave
And they're callin' the police
They'd kick us out if they were strong enough

It's my house
'cause my house is your house
My heart is too
It's my house
'cause my house is your house
There's room for you
It's my house

Ain't no walls you can keep my heart in
Ain't no walls I won't lock you out
It's my house
Ain't no walls you can keep my heart in
Ain't no walls I won't lock you out
It's my house
It's my house
It's my house

It's my house
'cause my house is your house
My heart is too
It's my house
'cause my house is your house
There's room for you
It's my house

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 16/12/2017 - 15:42

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