
Erin on the Rhine

Nuala Kennedy
Language: English

Nuala Kennedy

List of versions

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Ho trovato il testo di questa canzone su Celtic Lyrics Corner, dove viene indicato come tradizionale. Credo invece che si tratti di una canzone composta dal noto scrittore dublinese Seán O'Casey (Seán Ó Cathasaigh, 1880-1964), che so scrisse diverse canzoni in occasione della prima e seconda guerra mondiale e dell’Easter Rising.
Purtroppo ho elementi troppo vaghi per confermare questa ipotesi.
Arrangiamento musicale di Nuala Kennedy, Claire Mann, Julian Sutton e Marc Clement, a partire dalla melodia di “Through The Back Yard”, brano strumentale del melodionista Julian Sutton.
Nell’album della cantautrice irlandese Nuala Kennedy intitolato “The New Shoes”, pubblicato nel 2007.

The New Shoes
A soldier stood on the village street and bid his love adieu
His gun and knapsack on his back, his company to renew
With tears he kissed her once again and turned away his head
He could but whisper in his pain, and this is what he said

“Love dear, love be true, be only, only mine
When the war is o'er we'll part no more at Erin on the Rhine”

As they marched along through the village streets, their banners floating gay
The children cheered their tramplin' feet that went to the war away
But one among them turned around once more to look again
And though his lips gave out no sound, his heart sighed this refrain

“Love dear, love be true, be only, only mine
When the war is o'er we'll part no more at Erin on the Rhine”

On the battlefield, the pale cold moon was shedding her peaceful light
And shining on a soldier boy, on his last discerning flight
Amid the dying the soldier lay, his comrades close at hand
He said, “When I am far away, and you in your native land

Say to my love be true, be only, only mine
My life is o'er, we'll meet no more at Erin on the Rhine
Oh say to my love be true, be only, only mine
My life is o'er, we'll meet no more at Erin on the Rhine”

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2017/12/15 - 15:16

Reinhard - 2024/5/31 - 00:04

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