
Welfare Blues

John Lee Hooker
Lingua: Inglese

John Lee Hooker

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Parole e musica di John Lee Hooker (ma credo che si basino su di uno standard precedente, risalente agli anni della Grande Depressione)
Nella raccolta “Coast to Coast Blues Band - Any Where, Any Time, Any Place – His Original Recordings 1948-52 ”, pubblicato nel 1971

Any Where - Any Time - Any Place
You know I'm goin' to the welfare
Ask them can they help me some
You know I'm goin' to the welfare
Lord, Lord, Lord
Ask them can they help me some.

This ninety day strike been so long
It 'bout to get the best a-me
Lord, my wife and my children
Lord, they cry both night an day
Lord, my wife an my children
Lord, they cry both night an day.

This doggone strike soon gonna end
I don't see how I can last much longer
You know it's been ninety days
Ninety days, ninety days
People, an I sure don't see no end.

It's been ninety days, already!
It's been ninety days, been ninety days.
Are over!
An I sure don't see no end.
My wife an my baby, my baby.
Lord, they grieve, cry over me.
Lord have mercy.
“Daddy, what in the world you gonna do?”

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 6/12/2017 - 11:03

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