

War on Women
Lingua: Inglese

War on Women

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Album War On Women (2015)

War on Women

War on Women

Sono tutti pro-life con l'utero delle altre, almeno finché il bimbo non nasce... poi appoggiano la pena di morte e la guerra!
Something stinks in this delivery room
And it’s G.O.P.-you
I bet you eat meat, too
You’d rather see women die on the floor
But you can’t be pro-life unless you're anti-death penalty and anti-war
Yeah, I see you got your values straight
And you’re quick to regulate
What goes on inside my womb
Once that baby’s outta there, leave it up to fate
No breaks for the working poor
Corporations made you their whore
Fuck women, fetuses mean more
I see you got your values straight
And you’re quick to regulate
And if you’re gay, they’ve got the cure

No congressman can get pregnant. Women know what’s best for women

26/11/2017 - 00:37

solita ciancia

a volte fate pena


date tutto il potere alle donne, sì!

dopo la distruzione totale, non avrete neanche la possibilità di avere l'onore di smantellare le macerie


musicalmente, peggio del peggio del peggio

krzyś - 26/11/2017 - 01:53

Mi sembra di capire che a krzyś questa canzone non sia piaciuta...

Lorenzo - 26/11/2017 - 11:43

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