
I Bury the Living

Lingua: Inglese


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Un'invettiva contro chi accetta di fare il militare
A wretched outcast with no point of view
What could I do, just military servants
I carry out the powerful vulgarian view
I scatter glue, do as I say or I'll scatter you
Oh no no no no no no
You can't blame me
I'm just an innocent soldier
There would be no war if not for me
I'm just a sweet little soldier no
No no no no
You can't blame me
I'm just an innocent soldier
Give me an order, I'll blow up a border
Give me an order I'll blow up your daughter
Call me brave, call me a peacemaking hero
Call me anything, except what I am
From a class without I haven't a clue
What the war is about
I haven't got a clue, have you?
Oh no no no
You can't blame me
I'm just an innocent soldier
There would be no war if not for me
I'm just a sweet little soldier no
No no no no
You can't blame me
After all I'm just on a mad cannon fodder
On a mad cannon fodder
I'm on a mad cannon fodder
I'm on a mad cannon fodder
I'm on a mad cannon fodder
I'm on a mad cannon fodder
I'm on a mad cannon fodder
On a mad cannon fodder
On a mad cannon fodder
Duty done by the moment at hand
I'm answerable only to Jesus
And with the grace of God I will die in my own bed
If you wonder what's in my head
It's just the hatred for all human life
When I lose mine, my mother will say
He died doing the job he loved
But I died with a bullet to the foreheard
That wasn't the job I loved
That wasn't the job I loved
That wasn't the job I loved
Funny how the war goes on
Without our John
Without our John
It's funny how the war goes on
Without our John
Without our John
La la la la la
Funny how the war goes on
Without our John
Without our John
It's funny how the war goes on
Without John
Without our John
La la la la la

inviata da Dq82 - 25/11/2017 - 19:45

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