

Uncle Tupelo
Lingua: Inglese

Uncle Tupelo

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dal primo album della band, No Depression

No Depression
Uncle Tupelo.
Uncle Tupelo.
A quarter after two
Sittin' in my car, watching
Waiting on a train
Ninety-seven flatcars
Loaded down with troop trucks and tanks
Rolling by

I'm twenty-one, and I'm scared as hell
I quit school, I'm healthy as a horse
Because of all that I'll be the first one to die in a war

The whole damn town was sleeping
Dreaming the same dream
The radio was playing
Roger McWilliams singing
"To each and every thing there's a time and a season

I'm twenty-one, and I'm scared as hell
I quit school, I'm healthy as a horse
Because of all that I'll be the first one to die in a war

Yes, I have the right to say
We all die anyway
But I'd just like to know
Where does my time go

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 23/3/2007 - 13:23

Sono forse la mia band Usa preferita... mi fa piacere trovarla in CCG.
Vengono (venivano) da un posto dove molti finiscono sotto le armi: bianchi e soprattutto neri, costretti dalla povertà

Morands - 8/8/2021 - 21:41

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