
God Bless America (for What)

Swamp Dogg
Lingua: Inglese

Swamp Dogg

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Nell’album “Rat On!”
Testo trovato su YouTube

Rat On!

Ancora mancava un brano di Swamp Dogg sulle CCG/AWS…

“Oltraggioso come George Clinton, immediato come un Little Richard in versione punk e selvaggio come Dyke & The Blazers, Swamp Dogg suonava come avrebbe potuto suonare Otis Redding se dopo Monterey si fosse calato un acido con i figli dei fiori”: memorabili parole del critico inglese Peter Shapiro che così anni fa raccontava colui che altri descrissero come un Frank Zappa afroamericano ed era quello un paragone con poche attinenze musicali ma molte per l’intelligenza del personaggio, la lucidità delle analisi sociopolitiche, il gusto per l’oltraggio […] (dal blog Venerato Maestro Oppure)
Oh lord, is this the land of the free?
And can someone please explain this word called equality?
’Tis the time for everyone to come to this country’s aid
And help repair the mess of this land that we’ve all made
You see kids are tired of growing up just to fight another war and singing God bless America
Unless they know, they know what for
God bless America
Unless they know, they know what for
Somebody tell somebody.

Oh what a joke is the statue of liberty!
When the indians own the reservation and black folks still ain't free
Hate, war and destruction is all our forefathers took time to sow
But this new generation’s planting love and freedom
And peace is what they’re gonna grow
You see kids are tired of growing up just to fight another war and singing God bless America
Unless they know, they know what for
Lord they’re tired of singing God bless America
Unless they know, they know what for
Oh, now, now, now
Mmmmhmmm-hmm. Mmm.

You know right now I just want to take a little time now
I want everybody to kind of just think about what we just said
Kind of let it sink in
Just don’t say a word, just think about it, just think about it
Kinda makes you wonder, don’t it?
Makes you wonder where we’re going from here
Uh, you kind of like, turn your head and look behind you
Makes you wonder where we just came from, too, don’t it?
Oh lord, lord, lord, lord, lord we need help!
We need help!
We need help!
Lord, somebody gotta help me now
Lord have mercy
We need to do a little soul searching
We’ve got to learn to live with one another
We’ve got to learn to love each other
Lord have mercy we’re all the same
Maybe we’re a little different colors
Different creeds, different religions
But we still all the same
Think about it
Think about it
Oh, hmmm-mmhmm-hmm...

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 23/11/2017 - 09:12

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