
Don't Cry My Love

The Impressions
Lingua: Inglese

The Impressions

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Parole di Oscar Brown Jr.
Musica di Curtis Mayfield
Un singolo del 1968 poi incluso in diversi album successivi, a partire da “Big Sixteen Vol. 2”

Big Sixteen Vol. 2

Una canzone in cui la condanna dell’ingiusta ed inutile guerra in Vietnam si accompagna parallelamente alla celebrazione della giusta ed importante lotta degli afroamericani per i loro diritti civili.
Mi viene in mente la famosa frase di Mohammad Ali: “No VietCong ever called me nigger”...
Don't cry my love, I'll be back
Don't cry my sister, now that's no way to act
I'm goin' to war and find my brother
Bring him home safe for our worried mother
Come on now

Don't cry my love, you just be true
Keep your mind on things more important to do
Keep on smiling and spark others to fight
For our respect and our long overdue free human right

I can see no reason for our fighting this time
So many have gone and it's a shame and a crime
So much wrongdoing here I pretend not to see
But it makes me sometimes wonder
Everybody's free here but me

Well, come on now
Don't cry my love, I'll be back
Don't cry my sister, now that's no way to act
I'm goin' to war to find my long lost brother
Bring him home safe for our worried mother
Come on now

Don't cry my love, you just be true
Keep your mind on things more important to do
Keep on smiling and spark others to fight
For our respect and our long overdue free human right

Oh baby, don't worry about me
There will come a time when we'll long to be free
Keep a smiling

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 21/11/2017 - 16:45

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