
The Suburbs

Arcade Fire
Lingua: Inglese

Arcade Fire

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Scritta da Sarah Neufeld, Richard Reed Parry, Jeremy Gara, Win Butler, Will Butler, Régine Chassagne e Tim Kingsbury (Arcade Fire)
La canzone che apre e che dà il titolo all’album del 2010
Il magnifico videoclip che accompagna la canzone è diretto da Spike Jonze, il quale ne realizzò anche una versione estesa, un vero e proprio cortometraggio, “Scenes from the Suburbs” in occasione dell’uscita della versione de luxe dell’album nel 2011.

The Suburbs

Un concept album che forse andrebbe per intero contribuito sulle CCG.
L’ambientazione è la periferia americana, i suoi inquietanti sobborghi, il tema è il passaggio dall’adolescenza all’età adulta e la scoperta drammatica (che avviene di notte, mentre di giorno regna l’inconsapevolezza) di un mondo senza speranza, immerso nella violenza, nel sopruso, nella morte.
Il bellissimo video di Spike Jonze mi ha ricordato molto i titoli di testa del film “Arlington Road” diretto da Mark Pellington nel 1999, con Jeff Bridges e Tim Robbins.

Ci tocca l’opera di Spike Jonze per gli Arcade Fire di “The Suburbs”: la placida constatazione delle scorribande spensierate di alcuni ragazzi in bici, in giro per i sobborghi cittadini assolati (siamo ad Austin, Texas), viene smentita dall’inquietante presenza di poliziotti, ronde armate, mezzi militari; la violenza “giocata” dai ragazzi di giorno si converte in dramma reale con l’arrivo delle tenebre: il mutamento di atteggiamento dei protagonisti asseconda il corto circuito delle due tranche, con la città in stato d’assedio.
Sappiamo come l’industria del videoclip campi su ideuzze ed effettini, è sempre consolante, dunque, ritrovare la sottigliezza di Jonze, il suo lavoro sensibile sull’adolescenza alle prese con lo spettro della vita adulta, la sua intatta capacità di colpire al cuore: il suo sguardo riesce sempre a rovesciare il senso palese delle cose osservate e delle canzoni illustrate, a mostracene l’altra parte, il loro lato più nascosto, indifeso o inquietante. Tra i video più belli della stagione
(Gli Spietati)

This album is about the inevitable destruction of the west. It says there will be no sudden explosion, no atom bomb, no religious apocalypse to wipe the slate clean. Instead western society will simply decline to the point of social captivity and the dominance of the few over the many.
This song portays someone's life at the start of this innevitable and slow apocolypse. The song starts will a happy — go — lucky honky tonk piano. The basic and mostly major chord structure jangles along nicely the only blemish being Am to E which sound oh so slightly wrong. “In the suburbs I learnt to drive” the lyrics are told reflectively with a sense of innocence, of living a normal life with a family and a car. The author tells through the eyes of innocence how he is forced away from a friend who was 'standing on the opposite shore' but “by the bombs fell we were already bored”. Society doesn't care, it has come to accept the violence, the hatred, this is normal.
In the chorus the bass becomes heavy and distorted, creating an more ominous tone compared to the blissfully ignorant verse. “sometimes I can't believe it, I'm moving past the feeling”. Sometimes the author is able to step out of the brainwash of society, the media etc and see the madness that is unfolding around him. But he is moving past the feeling, these moments are becoming rare, he is beginning not to care, he is coming to accept the madness. And all the while the heavy bass pounds along relentlessly.
The second verse is quite specific in that it details how “kids wana be so hard” (they have grown up in a world which trains them to be soldiers) and the peace movements of the past have ultimately failed, “and all of the houses they built in the 70's finally fall, meant nothing at all it meant nothing”.
When the second chorus hits ethereal strings accompany the bass creating a sense of great loss as your heart rises to your throat. This mirrors the shame of the author at the failure of society and his inability to change it or even acknowledge it within himself. He must hide this feeling, he must tell himself that it is wrong to feel this way and that these feeling are crazy. He must move past the feeling and into the night.
“So can you understand why I want a daughter while I'm still young?” Can you understand why he would want to show his daughter the beauty of the world before it is destroyed. Why he would want to remind himself that there was once another world in another time. He is begging for this. But if its too much to ask, he will have a son and he will accept defeat in the face of overwhelming darkness. He will submit himself and sacrifice his children to this monster.
In his heart the author knows that the point of no return has been passed, the world will never be the same again. “So move your feet from hot pavement and into the grass” (the safe comfortable suburbs, surrender) “Cause its already past, its already already passed”.
“We're still screaming”
(Commento di gregattack da Songmeaning)
In the suburbs, I, I learned to drive
And you told me we'd never survive
Grab your mother's keys, we're leaving
You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting in a suburban war
Your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored
We were already, already bored

Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling again

The kids want to be so hard
But in my dreams, we're still screaming
And running through the yard
And all of the walls that they built in the seventies finally fall
And all of the houses they built in the seventies finally fall
Meant nothing at all
Meant nothing at all, it meant nothing

Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling and into the night

So can you understand
Why I want a daughter while I'm still young?
I want to hold her hand
And show her some beauty before this damage is done
But if it's too much to ask, if it's too much to ask
Then send me a son
Under the overpass
In the parking lot we're still waiting, it's already passed
So move your feet from hot pavement and into the grass
'Cause it's already passed
It's already, already passed

Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling again
I'm moving past the feeling
I'm moving past the feeling

In my dreams we're still screaming
We're still screaming
We're still screaming

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 25/10/2017 - 08:35

"Perciò riesci a capire perchè voglio una figlia mentre sono ancora giovane? Voglio tenerla per mano e mostrarle qualcosa di bello prima che il disastro sia compiuto..."

B.B. - 25/10/2017 - 21:26

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