
The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here

Alice in Chains
Lingua: Inglese

Alice in Chains

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title track del secondo album pubblicato dalla band di Seattle con la nuova formazione dopo la morte di Layne Staley. Alla voce il sosia vocale di Staley, William DuVall.

La canzone è un duro attacco ai fondamentalisti religiosi, come i fanatici cristiani che sostengono che sia stato Satana in persona a spargere per il mondo le ossa dei dinosauri, per confondere noi mortali e allontanarci dalla Verità rivelata nelle Sacre Scritture...

Alice in Chains Devli

I think there's overwhelming evidence that things aren't working right now. We need to start growing up as a people. When you're teaching people that being gay is a mortal sin, yet a good portion of the people teaching this are fucking kids, there's a huge problem.

It's insane when a religion tells you it's OK to strap a bomb on yourself to blow someone else up because they believe in something different. If a religion is teaching you that it's OK to hurt somebody, exclude somebody, dominate somebody – I have a problem with it. 'The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here' just speaks to the lamer parts of how those things are taught and the shitty things we do to each other because of our different beliefs.

Jerry Cantrell.
Come to me, I'll fill the hole
Why would I be lying
End fan, all planned out

Offering a wonderful
Peace of mind worth buying
Bow down last round up

I am wise and you don't know
A cloud is my home
Only some get in
Got a 'maginary friend

The devil put dinosaurs here
Jesus don't like a queer
The devil put dinosaurs here
No problem with faith just fear

Promise those who've gone before
Waitin' on you flyin'
Leading, receiving us

I'm as flawed as any man
Look at me I'm smiling
Drink me, eat me up

I am wise and you don't know
A cloud is my home
Only some get in
Got a 'maginary friend

The devil put dinosaurs here
Jesus don't like a queer
The devil put dinosaurs here
No problem with faith just fear

I am wise and you don't know
A cloud is my home
Only some get in
Got a 'maginary friend

The devil put dinosaurs here
Jesus don't like a queer
The devil put dinosaurs here
The problem with faith


Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar

26/8/2017 - 00:10

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