
Flat of the Blade

Massive Attack
Lingua: Inglese

Massive Attack

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Scritta da Robert “3D” Del Naja, Grant “Daddy G” Marshall, Neil Davidge, Damon Albarn (Blur, Gorillaz,...) e Guy Garvey (Elbow).
Interpretata da Guy Garvey nell'album “Heligoland”, uscito nel 2010, al momento l'ultimo album in studio del duo trip-hop di Bristol.


“Non sopporto di stare in mezzo alla gente, ho fatto cose di cui non posso parlare.... Le cose che ho visto mi inseguiranno nella tomba... Costruirò per la mia famiglia un amore antiproiettile...”
Secondo uno dei diversi piani d'interpretazione, questo brano parla di un reduce, come confermerebbe il seguente estratto da un'intervista a Robert Del Naja. Il video che accompagna la canzone sembra invece parlare di tutt'altro (o anche no), forse di un giovane membro di una gang che ha perso il senso della sua esistenza...

This track began with the Victoria and Albert Museum installation that we did with UVA [UnitedVisualArtists] who do our LED lights with us. One of the elements of that was just loads of snare drums flying off when you walked through it, and loads of kick drums underneath your feet. It just sounded mental as a piece of audio, like the musical equivalent to the opening scene to Saving Private Ryan, I guess. We played it to Guy [Garvey, lead singer of Elbow] and he went, "that'll do". And we built a song from it. The soldier theme was inherent in the idea, but Guy took it to a different level. It was that particular line about "I'll build for my family a bullet-proof love," which really struck me. It was really such a lovely image and such a great line, and the track kinda went backwards from that line.
(Massive Attack)
I'm not good in a crowd,
I got skills I can't speak of

Things I've seen will chase me
To the grave

I'm not good in a crowd,
I got skills I can't speak of
Over there

Things that I've seen
Will chase me to the grave

Led with your hands tied
Fetters and flies

You stumble the dunes
Complain to the moon

Backs to the wheel
There's granite to shove

Take it
They give it
So rivet for rivet
I will pilfer my family a bulletproof love

How does it feel
The weight of the steel?

The weight of the steel
The flat of the blade

How does it feel
To kneel at defeat?

To kneel at defeat
At the choices you make

I'm not good in a crowd,
I got skills I can't speak of

Things I've seen will chase me
To the grave

Backs to the wheel
There's granite to shove

Take it
They give it
And rivet for rivet
I will build for my family a bulletproof love

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 22/8/2017 - 22:04

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