

The Offspring
Lingua: Inglese

The Offspring

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Album: Ignition

L.A.P.D. è il Los Angeles Police Department, protagonista nel 1992 di gravi abusi che portarono alla cosiddetta "Rivolta di Los Angeles" (L.A. riots).
When cops are taking care of business I can understand
But the L.A. story's gotten way out of hand
Their acts of aggression, they say they're justified
But it seems an obsession has started from the inside

They're shooting anyone who even tries to run
They're shooting little kids with toy guns
Take it to a jury but they don't give a damn
Because the one who tells the truth is always a policeman

Beat all the niggers
Beat whoever you see
Don't need a reason
(We're) L.A.P.D

The city of L.A. feels like a prison
With helicopters overhead and bullets whizzing by
Martial law ain't no solution
Police brutality's just social pollution

Beat all the white trash
Beat whoever you see
Don't need a reason
(We're) L.A.P.D

They say they're keeping the peace
But I'm not buying it because a billy club ain't much of a pacifier
"Protecting your freedom"
Now that's just a lie

It's an excuse for power that's more like an alibi
Law and order doesn't really matter
When you're the one getting bruised and battered
You take it to a jury, they'll throw it in your face
Because justice in L.A. comes in a can of mace

29/6/2017 - 04:11

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