
Gather Round

David Rovics
Language: English

David Rovics

Related Songs

The Popular Wobbly
(T-Bone Slim [Matti Valentin Huhta])
I Won’t Be a Slave
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(David Rovics)


Album: Punk Baroque


Most English-language labor songs were written sometime before 1932. This is an update.
David Rovics
Gather round all you workers
Whether you have a job or not
You who pick the tomatoes
You who grow the pot
You who stay home to raise the children
You that record the sound
You who flip the burgers
All you workers gather round
Gather round all you workers
All of you who pull the shots
You who wash the dishes
Park the cars in parking lots
You who dig the ditches
To put the caskets in the ground
You who clean the bathrooms
All you workers gather round

Gather round all you workers
All of you who write the code
You who teach the children
You who pave the roads
You who run the freight trains
Wherever they be bound
You who drive the buses
All you workers gather round
Gather round all you workers
Struggling to pay the rent
You who work a second job
And wonder where all the time went
You there in the sleeping bag
Shivering on the ground
In the houses, on the sidewalks
All you workers gather round

Gather round all you workers
All you actors on the screen
You who point the cameras
And write for the magazines
You who launch the missiles
You who fire from the ground
You who fly the helicopters
All you workers gather round
Gather round all you workers
Gather round and you will know
That gathered all together
We can vanquish any foe
As sure as we're made of water
So history has found
The workers have the power
If all we workers gather round

Contributed by adriana - 2017/6/11 - 09:37

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