
Let My People Go

Lingua: Inglese


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Scritta da William Daron Pulliam, in arte Darondo (1946-2013)
Una canzone del 1974 diventata celebre soltanto nel 2006, più di trent'anni dopo, quando il dimenticato soul e funk singer Darondo fu riscoperto e divenne internazionalmente famoso.
Singolo che dà il titolo all'album del 2006.
Testo trovato su Genius

Let My People Go

Il ritornello fa chiaro riferimento alla celeberrima ottocentesca Go down, Moses, in cui dietro alla storia della fuga degli Ebrei dall'Egitto si raccontava l'“Underground Railroad” e la fuga degli schiavi neri dal Sud degli USA.
'Said you better let my
Let my people go
'Said you better let my
Let my people go

I'm talkin' 'bout the babies starvin' to death
I'm talkin' 'bout the children that can't help themselves
I'm talkin' 'bout the people that got nothin' to keep
I'm talkin' 'bout the people that don't have the freedom of speech

'Said you better let my
Let my people go
'Said you better let my
Let my people go

Man to your rocket ship
Take you to the moon
A million dollar mission
Just to bring back a piece of rock
We got starvation, panic across the land
And here's a fool in a rocket ship
Tryina' be superman

'Said you better let my
Let my people go
'Said you better let my
Let my people go

Let him go
Let him go
Let him go
Let him go

Give us a little island
An island in the sea
Give us a sea coming in
It's two so we can work the man
We don't need your money
Keep your anger and grief
We just want us a happy place
Where black men and white men can live in peace

'Said you better let my
Let my people go
'Said you better let my
Let my people go

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 26/4/2017 - 21:37

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