
We Are Here

Alicia Keys
Langue: anglais

Alicia Keys

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What's Going On
(Marvin Gaye)
(John Lennon)

Scritta da Alicia Keys, Swizz Beatz, Mark Batson, and Harold Lilly

La canzone è stata pubblicata per la prima volta l'8 settembre 2014 accompagnata da un lungo messaggio che ne spiegava il motivo e l'ispirazione.

We Are Here

The day I wrote this song, I was sitting in a circle of people of all ages and we were asked, “Why are you here.” Why am I here?? This really hit me on a deep level. I realized no one had ever asked me that question before.
As I prepare to give birth to a new child, I can't help and think about the world I'm bringing my baby into. No matter where we come from, when we see the state of the world today, we can all feel the growing frustration and desire to make a difference. And we all have a voice - we just need to know how to make it heard.
I have a vision that I believe is more than a dream, that I know can be our reality.
I believe in an empowered world community built on the true meaning of equality – where we are all considered one people, regardless of race, religion, gender, zip code, belief system or sexual orientation.
I believe all of our voices should be heard, so that our representation reflects our population. We need our leadership to reflect an equal balance of the gifts that both men and women have to offer.
I believe in a world where every child born receives a quality education – where their unique gifts are nurtured so that they may be a beneficial presence in this world.
I believe in mutual respect and cooperation among all peoples and all nations. It is time to end all forms of racial injustice for our black brothers and sisters and all people of color.
I believe in an end to the prison industrial complex in America and a renewed justice system that is based on fairness and truth.
I believe in universal global health care based on Integrative Medicine, so that our bodies are acknowledged and treated as one system, and we can help control the spread of diseases like AIDS, Malaria, TB and Ebola.
I believe we have an ability to end poverty, oppression, and hopelessness that often breeds despair, terror, and violence.
I believe in common sense gun laws that serve to protect children and families and society from unnecessary violence.
I believe in Peace & Love & Unity.
I believe that this vision can be a reality.
And, it’s not about me. It’s about WE.
Together we can give birth to a kinder and more peaceful world for ALL children.
Our souls were brought together so that we can love each other sister, brother. We Are Here. We are here for all of us. That's why #WeAreHere.
Sent with Light,
Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys said she knew this image would draw attention, which is just what she wants as she builds an army of fans who want to make the world a better place for all
Alicia Keys said she knew this image would draw attention, which is just what she wants as she builds an army of fans who want to make the world a better place for all

We are here
We are here for all of us
We are here for all of us
It's why we are here, why we are here
We are here

Bombs over Baghdad
Tryna get something we never heard
Let's start with a good dad
So real but it's so sad
And while we're burning this incense
We gon' pray for the innocent
Cause right now it don't make sense
Right now it don't make sense

Let's talk about chi-town
Let's talk about Gaza
Let's talk about
Let's talk about Israel
Right now it is real
Let's talk about
Let's talk Nigeria, and the mass hysteria
Our souls are brought together so that we could love each other brother

We are here
We are here for all of us
We are here for all of us
It's why we are here, why we are here
We are here

No guns made in Harlem
But yet Crime is a problem
He wanna shine, he wanna rob 'em
Single mother, where they come from?
How we gonna save the nation
With no support for education
Cause right now it don't make sense
Right now it don't make sense

Let's talk about our part
My heart touch your heart
Let's talk about
Let's talk about living
Had enough of dying
Not what we all about
Let's do more giving
Do more forgiving, yeah
Our souls are brought together so that we can love each other sister

We are here
We are here for all of us
We are here for all of us
It's why we are here, why we are here
We are here

We are here
We are here for all of us
We are here for all of us
It's why we are here, why we are here
We are here

Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh

We are here
We are here for all of us
We are here for all of us
It's why we are here, why we are here
We are here

We are here
We are here for all of us
We are here for all of us
It's why we are here, why we are here
We are here

envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti - 18/4/2017 - 23:06

Certo non è bella come Holy War e se vogliamo il testo è un po' più banalotto ma comunque una bella ballata soul che ha tutto il diritto di stare qui. Sono d'accordo con Bartleby sul discorso sui pregiudizi contro il pop. Pop significa semplicemente popular e molte canzoni belle e importanti sono canzoni pop in tutto e per tutto.

Sono anche convinto che Freedom di Beyoncé sia un'ottima canzone anche se proviene da un album che ha venduto oltre mezzo milione di copie solo nella prima settimana....

D'altra parte anche i Beatles erano pop e Imagine è stata prodotta da Phil Spector.

Detto questo c'è pop e pop e Laura Pausini non sarà mai Alicia Keys...

Lorenzo - 18/4/2017 - 23:31

D'accordirrimo, non sarà mai un'Alicia Keys, o una Beyoncé, ma anche tu nel tuo intervento confermi un poco il pregiudizio di cui stiamo parlando e precisamente nel non evidenziare che sulle CCG ci sono ben due canzoni della Laura Pausini, la quale andava quindi linkata come autore presente sul sito.


Bernart Bartleby - 19/4/2017 - 08:41

Mi devi essere grato per non aver citato Maicol Gecson!

Lorenzo - 19/4/2017 - 09:11

In questo periodo sono occupato in una grossa impresa farmaceutica e tra le mie mansioni c'è il recupero di alcune migliaia di laptop e di desktop appartenenti alla vecchia multinazionale padrona della fabbrica, cui ne è subentrata un'altra.
Gli utenti arrivano alla spicciolata e lasciano il materiale loro assegnato a suo tempo, previa compilazione di un brevissimo questionario.
La cosa si svolge così:
"...Nome...? Cognome...? ID Utente vecchio...? ID Utente nuovo...? Edificio e reparto...? Quale coltello useresti su Laura pausini [per i maschi] / su Gigi d'Alessio [per le femmine]...?"
Non ho potuto per ovvi motivi usare il nome di Maicol Gecson, né lo avrei comunque fatto. A tutto c'è un limite.
In tre mesi, comunque, una simile domanda a bruciapelo non ha mai levato reazioni indignate, del tipo "ma come ti permetti disgraziato, è il mio cantante preferito"; anzi, in vari casi ho ottenuto dal soggetto interrogato la descrizione accurata dei materiali utilizzati all'occorrenza e di precise sequenze procedurali...

Io non sto con Oriana - 19/4/2017 - 09:41

Attento a pronunciare quel Nome invano!
Pentiti, peccatore, e Lui saprà perdonarti!
E adesso vai subito ad ascoltarti "Thriller" per intero almeno 10 volte.

B.B. (possessed) - 19/4/2017 - 10:18

InscO, tu se un uomo kativo e sancuinario!
Ma Maicol vuole bene anco a te e da lassù di proteggie.

B.B. (possessed) - 19/4/2017 - 10:58

Sento l'impellente bisogno, in tutto questo profluvio di Alici Chiavi e di "pop", di alcuni pope e della salvifica ieraticità della liturgia greco ortodossa:

Mi consola solo il fatto che a Maicol Gècson sarebbe stato severamente vietato l'accesso al Sacro Monte e che egli sia sprofondato con assoluta certezza nelle fiamme dell'Inferno. Quanto a voialtri, che il canto dell'Ἀγνὴ Παρθένε Δέσποινα, la Vergine Pura, dedicato alla Santa Madre Theotokos, vi illumini e vi persuada ad abbandonare le voglie mondane e facili giovinette discinte.

Riccardo Venturi - 19/4/2017 - 12:28

Se fossi accademico, fossi maestro o dottore ti insignirei in toga di quindici lauree ad honorem, ma a scuola ero scarso in latino e il "pop" non è fatto per me: ti diplomerò in canti e in vino qui in via Paolo Fabbri 43!

Lorenzo - 19/4/2017 - 19:39

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