
Blues for Martin Luther King

Otis Spann
Langue: anglais

Otis Spann

Liste des versions

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Il pianista e cantante di Chicago Otis Spann scrisse questo struggente blues all'indomani dell'assassinio di MLK
Il brano si trova in alcune raccolte, a partire da “Rare Gems” del 1977.

Otis Spann

Otis Spann è stato uno dei più grandi pianisti blues di sempre ma nel 1970, quando se lo portò via prematuramente un cancro al fegato, venne sepolto in una tomba anonima... Ci vollero 30 anni e una colletta tra i suoi estimatori prima che il bluesman ricevesse una lapide. Fu inaugurata nel 1999 e recita: “Otis played the deepest blues we ever heard – He'll play forever in our hearts” (en.wikipedia)

Otis Spann gravestone
Oh, did you hear the news
coming out of Memphis Tennessee yesterday?
Yes fellows, I know you had to've heard the news
that happened down in Memphis Tennessee yesterday
there came a sniper
and wiped Martin Luther King's life away

On the 4th of April in the year 1968
on the 4th of April in the year 1968
you know there come a mean man
pop a bullet through dr King's head

Oh, when his wife and kids came down
all they could do is moan
oh, when his wife and kids came down
all they could do is moan
now the world's in a revolt
because dr. King is gone

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 19/2/2017 - 17:54

"On the 14th of april" is wrong, the right is "On the 4th day of april"

Peter Groszmann - 3/9/2019 - 09:16

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