
Fields of Mars

Bad Religion
Language: English

Bad Religion

Related Songs

Atomic Garden
(Bad Religion)
Over the Rainbow
(Judy Garland)

Album New Maps of Hell (2007)
New Maps of Hell

We traditionally are a band that criticizes the currently-held view or the popular view as being one that’s not very well thought-out, and so the war was an obvious target, but we still live in a society that doesn’t think very much, and so there’s plenty of fallout from the war, from the social implications that we’re left with, and those are the kinds of things we are addressing on this album. I guess the most blatant we get is an allegory to the god of war in a song called “The Fields of Mars.”

Greg Graffin
In the garden where he was cast out by the Lord
Flames an omni-directional sword
For he as ever failed to gather up the fruit
And thus was banished with his loot

He cantered aimlessly through endless permutations of night
Seeking a purpose and the meaning of kin
And when it finally came to him
You could've mistook it for the meaning of sin

The women wished him well
Every time he cast off marching to hell
Now, if you've never seen a terrible sight
Stroll the garden of Earthly delight
Maybe we can make it right someday
I'll see you high above the fields of Mars
High above the fields of Mars

He knelt down before the unholy mob and cried:
"War is god!"
Gleaming outwardly with great pride and
Prepared to die

The women wished him well
Every time he cast off marching to hell
Now, if you've never seen a terrible sight
Stroll the garden of Earthly delight
Maybe we can make it right someday
I'll see you high above the fields of Mars
High above the fields of Mars
High above the fields of Mars
High above the fields of Mars

Who cannot fight anymore
Will never love any less
That kid inside of murder
Must be committed

To live a life of hostility
Never asking what it means
When Mother Nation
Blood and Religion
Sanction killing upon the fields of Mars
High above the fields of Mars
High above the fields of Mars
High above the fields of Mars

2017/1/21 - 22:56

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