
Sad Affair

Langue: anglais


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33 Revolutions per Minute

33 revolutions per minute
Once upon a time there was
Irish ways and Irish laws
Villages of Irish blood
Waking to the morning good
But England and her soldiers came
Started centuries of shame
Raped our women stole our grain
Called this land a different name

Killed their leaders killed their young
Put to the sword, the gun, or hung
History taught this to me
But what ya learn is a travesty
I'm saying no slaying is playing it right
And death is the legacy of the fight
But I fight for peace against injustice
The time has come to discuss

How long will it be...
Such a sad affair?

I had a dream of days to come
When orange only meant the summer sun
And not this knife that cuts apart
A nation's soul a nation's heart
A thousand tears my mother shed
Sons and daughters have died and bled
I cannot forget their brave example
Thank you all for whom I trample

People have been mistreat for too long
How long to sing this sad song
Connolly said that we shall rise again
And surely one day the pain must end
Some say "that's a bridge too far"
Some they say "tiocfaidh ár lá!"
Some pretend the problems don't exist
Some attack and some resist

Some say "One day our day will come
The race is run we know the outcome
The tide is on the side of the green
The butchers apron no longer seen"
But all I know is that peace must win
And I thought this was Ireland not Britain
A six-country state is a bastard state
Why oh why can't we all integrate?

Cuz my people suffer great injustice daily
Condemned by racism in the Bailey
The Guildford Four, Maguires, and the Six
Innocent! but guilty of being Micks
And my culture is as strong as a pyramid
And you will pay for these things you did
Not just to we but to the African
The Asian, and the true American
And tomorrow the sorrow will continue
And the hatred will fester in the sinews
I feel like a stranger in the land where I was born
I just have to wait for a new dawn

envoyé par Dq82 - 6/1/2017 - 19:32

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