
Lingua: Spagnolo

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Canción para Vieques
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Obra Colectiva / Opera Collettiva
Autores/Autori: Tito Auger/Ricky Laureano

The US Navy bombing tests and military practice on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, has ended. On May 1,2003, citizens in Vieques celebrated the first day in over 60 years without a US Navy bombing run.

Puerto Ricans of Vieques objected to the US Navy's presence across many other ideologically divisive issues regarding the US. Until recently, the US Navy owned over two-thirds of Vieques. When the US bought this land in the 1940s, many families and farmers were forced out of their homes and off their lands to make way for military exercises, which began in 1947.

Bush announced that the Navy would leave Vieques in June 2001, and it is widely accepted that it was the success of the protest movement that led to the this decision and to the US Navy's withdrawl.

While resistance to the Navy's military exercises was ongoing, it was not until 1999, when a civilian security guard was killed by a bombing accident, that popular resistance began to have a lasting effect on US policy.

Many problems remain in Vieques, however. Environmental destruction and unexploded ordinances ravage the land. The land has not been returned to the people of Puerto Rico, rather, it has been transferred to the US Department of Fishing and Wildlife, so that an environmental assessment can be obtained. Early Puerto Rican estimates have produced a figure of $400 million necessary to clean up the land used by the US Navy, but only $23 million has been allocated so far.

vie1 vie2

Cuenta una Isla su historia
Envuelta de olas de fuego
Todo el camino que da a su historia
Va cubierto con un velo de miedo.

Sesenta años despiertos
Por "Bombas de Paz" en la noche
Acurrucando a los niños con salmos
Al ritmo de detonaciones.

Sesenta años con lluvia
De uranio y de municiones
Limpiando ventanas con pólvora sucia
Esperando que el cáncer reaccione.

Y por eso los pescadores
En nombre de sus ilusiones
Anclan sus botes sin camarotes
Al frente de los portaaviones.

Y así fue, que su voz, se creció, con tu voz
Y por amar las mismas cosas
Hoy nos tenemos en canción.

Pregunta la Isla en su historia
Por que han rezagado sus sueños
Tanque en tierra y buques de guerra
Han vuelto su cielo pequeño.

Sesenta años de insomnio
Por entrenar ciudadanos
Que van a luchar por una paz mundial
Disfrutada por otros seres humanos.

Y por eso mujeres y hombres
Se vuelven escudos de vida
Y pueblan las playas prohibidas y encallan
Con todas las verdades unidas.

Y los latidos de un sueño, se levantan así
La razón y el respeto, se levantan así
Las visiones de un pueblo, se levantan así
La fe y el amor propio, se levantan así
Los cuentos milagrosos, se levantan así
Los futuros valiosos, se levantan así...

inviata da Adriana e Riccardo - 1/2/2007 - 18:19

Lingua: Inglese

Versione inglese di Víc
English version by Vic

The island tells its history
Surrounded by fire waves
the entire journey that goes through its history
goes surrounded with a veil of fear.

Sixty years wide-awake
By “Bombs of Peace” at night,
keeping warm the children with psalms
by the rhythm of detonations.

Sixty years with rain
of uranium and ammunition
cleaning the dirty powder of windows
just waiting the cancer to react.

And for that reason the fishermen,
In name of their illusions,
anchor their boats without staterooms
at front of aircraft carriers.

And thus was that their voice grew louder, with your voice
and by the love of the same things
today we share ourselves in song.

The island asks its history
why they left behind its dreams
Tanks in the ground and military ships
have diminished our sky.

Sixty years of insomnia
just to train citizens
which are going to fight for a world-wide peace
Enjoyed by other human beings.

And for that reason women and men
become shields of life
and populate banned beaches and run ashore
with all the truths united.

And the heart beats of a dream, rise thus
The reason and the respect, rise thus
The visions of a country, rise thus
The faith and the pride, rise thus
The miraculous stories, rise thus
The valuable futures, rise thus…

inviata da Víc - 9/11/2008 - 06:34

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