
Oppskrift for herrefolk

Mari Boine
Langue: norvégien

Mari Boine

Liste des versions

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Testo e musica di Mari Boine
Lyrics and music by Mari Boine
Ord og musikk: Mari Boine
Album: Gula Gula

The Sami people are an indigenous Finno-Ugric people inhabiting the arctic area of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia. Although the Sami are nowadays socially and economically far better off than most of the indigenous minorities in the world, they have for centuries been the subject of discrimination and abuse by the dominant cultures claiming possession of their lands right unto the present day and seeking to suppress their native Sami languages. Like in this song by Mari Boine, Norway has been heavily criticized for its 19th and 20th century policy of Norwegianization and discrimination against the aboriginal population of the country. [JR]


The lyrics have been reshaped as from this neo.braininformation page, so that the metrical structure of the song appears more clearly. The shape of Juha Rämö's translations has been left unchanged: the translator's will is sacred. Anyway, the lyrics show a number of spelling discrepancies, i.e. “bajonetta / baionetta”, and there's a typo in the lyrics originally contributed by Juha Rämö (a rather German-looking “diskriminerung” instead of “diskriminering”). The language of the song is popular Bokmål Norwegian (i.e. plurals in -a instead of -er); this may also be seen as sort of “blandspråk” between Bokmål and Nynorsk.

Il testo è stato ristrutturato come da questa pagina di neo.braininformation, in modo da rendere più chiara la struttura metrica della canzone. La struttura delle traduzioni di Juha Rämö è stata però lasciata inalterata: la volontà del traduttore è sacra. In ogni caso, dai testi risulta qualche discrepanza ortografica ( “bajonetta / baionetta”), è c'è un palese refuso nel testo originariamente contribuito da Juha Rämö (un “diskriminerung” di aspetto decisamente tedesco al posto di “diskriminering”). La lingua della canzone è il norvegese bokmål popolare ( coi plurali in -a invece che in -er); può anche essere considerata come una sorta di “blandspråk” fra il bokmål e il nynorsk. [RV]
Trekk grensa på kartet og kall det for stata
Vær konge, minister, beskytter og far
Send futa og handelsmenn, prest og soldata
Te folke som eie det landet du tar

Bruk bibel og brennevin og baionetta
Bryt løfta og avtala, vær diplomat
Bruk lovparagrafa mot eldgammle retta
Skap fordomma, diskriminering og hat

Og la ingen betvile din overhøyhet
Sånn holder du nede en minoritet

La språk og kultur få sin plass på museum
Som forskningsobjekt, og turistatraksjon
Hold festlige tala på hvert jubeleum
La splittes og dø det som var en nasjon

Og la ingen betvile din overhøyhet
Sånn holder du nede en minoritet.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 19/11/2016 - 12:39

Langue: italien

Traduzione italiana di Riccardo Venturi
20 novembre 2016 07:19

Mari Boine Persen.
Mari Boine Persen.

Traccia confini sulla carta e chiamali stati
Sii re, ministro, protettore e padre
Manda uscieri e affaristi, preti e soldati
Al popolo a cui prendi la terra che possiede

Usa bibbia, acquavite e baionetta
Rompi le promesse e gli accordi, sii diplomatico
Usa articoli di legge contro diritti antichissimi
Crea pregiudizio, discriminazione e odio

E che nessuno discuta la tua autorità
È così che opprimi una minoranza

La lingua e la cultura mettile in un museo
Come oggetto di ricerca e attrazione turistica
Fai solenni discorsi a ogni festività
Disintegra e ammazza quel che era una nazione

E che nessuno discuta la tua autorità
È così che opprimi una minoranza.

20/11/2016 - 07:19

Langue: anglais

Testo inglese contribuito da Juha Rämö
English lyrics contributed by Juha Rämö
Paroles anglaises contribuées par Juha Rämö
Engelsk tekst


Draw boundaries on the map
and call it The State.
Be king,
protector and father.
Send bailiffs and businessmen,
and soldiers
to the people
who own the land
you take.

Use bible
and booze
and bayonet.
Break promises and agreements.
Be a diplomat.
Use articles of law
against ancient rights.
Create prejudice,
and hate.

Let no one question
your authority.
That's how you suppress
a minority.

Let language
and culture
take their place in the museum
as research objects
and tourist attractions.
Give lively speeches
on each festive occasion.
Let disintegrate
and die
what was a nation.

Let no one question
your authority.
That's how you suppress
a minority.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 19/11/2016 - 12:40

Langue: anglais

Alternative English translation
From Braininformation

Note. This translation may be fairly exact, though rather free. What I think really wrong, is the title's translation as "A recipe for gentlemen": the exact translation is "(A) recipe for a master race", as rightly translated in the lyrics previously contributed by Juha Rämö -unless "gentlemen" is kind of understated rendering. [RV]

Put boarders on map and call it states
Be a king, senator, protector and a father
Send bailiffs, traders, priests and soldiers
To the people who owns the land you take

And let no-one question your supremacy
That´s how you keep a minority down

Use the bible and liquor and bayonets
Break vows, agreements, be diplomatic
Use law paragraphs against ancient rights
Create prejudice, discrimination and hate

And let no-one question your supremacy
That´s how you keep a minority down

Put language and culture at its place at museums
As research materials and tourist attraction
Make great speeches at every jubilee
That is how a nation break down and dies

And let no-one question your supremacy
That´s how you keep a minority down.

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 20/11/2016 - 06:14

Langue: allemand

Traduzione tedesca / German translation / Traduction allemande / Deutsche Übersetzung: Juha Rämö

Grenz ab ein Gebiet auf der Karte
und nenn es einen Staat.
Sei König,
Beschützer und Vater.
Schick Verwalter und Kaufleute,
und Soldaten
unter das Volk
dessen Land
du nehmen wirst.

Greif zur Bibel,
zum Schnaps
und zum Bajonett.
Brich Versprechen und Verträge.
Sei Diplomat.
Nutz Paragraphen
gegen uralte Rechte aus.
Schaff Vorurteile,
und Hass.

Lass niemand
deine Überlegenheit bezweifeln.
So lässt sich
eine Minderheit unterdrücken.

Gib Sprache
und Kultur
ihren Platz im Museum
als Forschungsobjekte
und Sehenswürdigkeiten.
Halt festliche Reden
bei jedem Jubiläum.
Lass zersplittern
und sterben
was eine Nation war.

Lass niemand
deine Überlegenheit bezweifeln.
So lässt sich
eine Minderheit unterdrücken.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 19/11/2016 - 12:42

Langue: finnois

Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise / Finsk oversettelse / Suomennos: Juha Rämö

Piirrä karttaan rajat
ja kutsu sitä valtioksi.
Ole kuningas,
suojelija ja isä.
Lähetä vouteja ja liikemiehiä,
ja sotilaita
sen kansan pariin,
jolta viet maan.

Käytä raamattua
ja viinaa
ja pistimiä.
Riko lupaukset ja sopimukset.
Ole diplomaatti.
Käytä lain kirjainta
ikimuistoisia oikeuksia vastaan.
Luo ennakkoluuloja,
ja vihaa.

Älä anna kenenkään murentaa
Se on keino panna
vähemmistö ruotuun.

Pane kieli
ja kulttuuri
museon hyllylle
ja nähtävyydeksi.
Pidä lennokkaita puheita
kaikissa juhlissa.
Anna hajota
ja kuolla sen,
mikä oli kansakunta.

Älä anna kenenkään murentaa
Se on keino panna
vähemmistö ruotuun.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 19/11/2016 - 12:43

Note. Juha Rämö's reference to the Sami national anthem has been removed from the introduction not for unsuitability, but because this anthem may well be matter for including in the site as a self-standing song with its special page. The page will be prepared as soon as possible due to its complexity (there are several versions of the song, one for each Sami dialect plus translations into various languages).

Riccardo Venturi - 20/11/2016 - 07:32

Referring to the two above English translations of this song, I need to make one thing clear: the one at here, although credited to me here, is not my translation and, unfortunately, I don't know who has made it.

Juha Rämö - 20/11/2016 - 11:27

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