
Berlin (Father, You Should Have Killed Hitler)

Udo Lindenberg
Lingua: Inglese

Udo Lindenberg

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Parole e musica di Udo Lindenberg
Trovo il brano nella raccolta “Ich Schwöre! Das Volle Programm” del 2000, ma potrebbe risalire alla fine di 70, inizio 80.
Interpretata anche con Nina Hagen

Ich Schwöre! Das Volle Programm
My father lived in Germany before the war in 1933
He was a violinist in Berlin's most popular cabaret
"You watched the tide turn dirty brown
weren't you afraid you were gonna drown
in your orchestrapit
while sailorgirls sang through the night
those silly lovesongs in the limelight
how could you stand it?"

Bert Brecht already left the land
from cabarets so many had been banned
the first had been killed by the crowd
you couldn't hear the music was too loud
you should have sold your violin
or traded it in for a gun
rather than fiddling the refrain
doing cocaine and charming ev'ryone

You should have killed Hitler
you know you would have been right
why didn't you fight?
You should have killed Hitler
you didn't see behind the curtain
you didn't try to stop that show
was it so nice your Third-Reich-paradise
where the sailorgirls sang:
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles
tralala, wunderbar
no panic on the Titanic

You should have sold your violin
or traded it in for a gun
rather than fiddling the refrain
doing cocaine and charming ev'ryone
You should have killed Hitler
you know you would have been right
why didn't you fight?
You should have killed Hitler
hey dad, you didn't see behind the curtain
you didn't try to stop that show
was it so nice your Third-Reich-paradise
where the sailorgirls sang:
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles
tralala, wunderbar
no panic on the Titanic
feel alright - what a night
no panic on the Titanic
more champagne - more cocaine
no panic on the Titanic
what a night - out of sight
no panic on the Titanic
tralala, wunderbar
no panic...

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 15/11/2016 - 10:42

Lingua: Finlandese

Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise / Suomennos: Juha Rämö

Isäni eli Saksassa ennen sotaa vuonna 1933.
Hän soitti viulua Berliinin suosituimmassa kabareessa.
»Kun näit vuoroveden muuttuvan likaisenruskeaksi,
etkö pelännyt hukkuvasi orkesterimonttuun
merimiestyttöjen esittäessä läpi yön
typeriä rakkauslaulujaan parrasvaloissa?
Kuinka oikein kestit sitä?«

Bert Brecht oli jo lähtenyt maasta,
moni kabaree oli joutunut esityskieltoon,
roskajoukot olivat jo tappaneet ihmisiä,
musiikki soi liian kovaa, jotta olisit kuullut sen.
Sinun olisi pitänyt myydä viulusi
tai vaihtaa se aseeseen
sen sijaan, että soitit kertosäkeitäsi
ja kokaiinipäissäsi mielistelit kaikkia.

Sinun olisi pitänyt tappaa Hitler,
tiedät, että se olisi ollut oikein,
miksi et siis taistellut?
Sinun olisi pitänyt tappaa Hitler,
mutta esiripun takaa et nähnyt
etkä yrittänyt keskeyttää näytöstä.
Oliko se niin hieno se natsien paratiisisi,
missä merimiestytöt lauloivat:
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
tral lal laa, ihanaa,
ei paniikkia Titanicilla.

Sinun olisi pitänyt myydä viulusi
tai vaihtaa se aseeseen
sen sijaan, että soitit kertosäkeitäsi
ja kokaiinipäissäsi mielistelit kaikkia.
Sinun olisi pitänyt tappaa Hitler,
tiedät, että se olisi ollut oikein,
miksi et siis taistellut?
Sinun olisi pitänyt tappaa Hitler,
mutta esiripun takaa et nähnyt, isä,
etkä yrittänyt keskeyttää näytöstä.
Oliko se niin hieno se natsien paratiisisi,
missä merimiestytöt lauloivat:
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
tral lal laa, ihanaa,
ei paniikkia Titanicilla,
hyvin pyyhkii, mikä ilta,
ei paniikkia Titanicilla,
lisää samppanjaa, lisää kokaiinia,
ei paniikkia Titanicilla,
mikä ilta, poissa silmistä,
ei paniikkia Titanicilla,
tral lal laa, ihanaa,
ei paniikkia...

inviata da Juha Rämö - 15/11/2016 - 19:32

How is a song about murder an "anti war" song? Let me make clear that I am in no way praising Hitler, but it seems to me that an "anti war" song ought to be non-violent.

Jeremy - 16/11/2016 - 11:56

Hi Jeremy, you still have to investigate the complicated nature of this website.
Good luck!

Bernart Bartleby - 16/11/2016 - 13:28

Dear Jeremy, maybe you don't know well our website. Though labeled "Antiwar Songs" and including thousands of pure antiwar / pacifist / nonviolent songs etc., our site is also focused on any kind of protest / struggle / antifascist / active and militant anti-militarist songs etc., and also on what we call "songs inside the war". In our opinion, "anti-war" is not only pacifism and nonviolence, this is no Gandhi site or so. In addition to this, don't you think that killing Hitler would have spared the world a lot of bad things...? Anyway, these are our guidelines for including any song. If you're looking here for pacifism and nonviolence, there's everything you need; if you're looking for someone who'd like to kill Hitler, well, you should be ready and try to understand why. In our opinion, a song like this is far more "anti-war" than any stupid "peace & love" song, though there are of course lots of good songs of this kind. Peace & Love, and thanks for your contribution.

CCG/AWS Staff - 16/11/2016 - 13:39

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