
Hole in the World

Langue: anglais


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Hole in the World

Scritta all'indomani dell'11 settembre, il messaggio della canzone (non propriamente originale, ci permettiamo di osservare) è che l'amore è l'unica salvezza in un mondo dominato dall'odio e dall'orrore.

"I sat down at the piano in my home studio and started putting some chords with the phrase 'hole in the world,'" he said. "Months went by, but I didn't show it to anybody. Then, other things started happening that gave additional meanings to 'Hole in the World,' particularly after the [Iraqi] war started. The fighting was supposedly over in May, and yet one or two or three of our boys were - and still are - getting killed every day, which means somebody's daddy is not coming home. So that's another 'hole' -- a huge hole in somebody's life - a child, a wife, a mother, a father, a brother, a sister."

Don Henley
There's a hole in the world tonight.
There's a Cloud of fear and sorrow.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.

They say that anger is just love disappointed.
They say that love is just a state of mind,
But all this fighting over who will be anointed.
Oh how can people be so blind

There's a hole in the world tonight.
There's a Cloud of fear and sorrow.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.

Oh they tell me there's a place over yonder,
Cool water running through the burning sand,
Until we learn to love one another
We will never reach the promise land.

There's a hole in the world tonight.
There's a Cloud of fear and sorrow.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.

11/9/2016 - 23:18

Langue: finnois

Traduzione / Translation / Traduction / Suomennos: Juha Rämö

Maan yllä on tänään aukko.
Taivas on pelon ja surun pilvien peittämä.
Maan yllä on tänään aukko.
Kunpa se jo huomenna olisi poissa.

Sanotaan, että viha on vain petettyä rakkautta.
Sanotaan, että rakkaus on vain mielentila.
Kaikki tämä taistelu siitä, kuka on voideltu.
Kuinka ihmiset voivat olla niin sokeita.

Maan yllä on tänään aukko.
Taivas on pelon ja surun pilvien peittämä.
Maan yllä on tänään aukko.
Kunpa se jo huomenna olisi poissa.

Sanotaan, että jossain tuolla on paikka,
missä viileä vesi huuhtoo polttavaa hiekkaa,
mutta ellemme opi rakastamaan toisiamme,
emme koskaan pääse tuohon luvattuun maahan.

Maan yllä on tänään aukko.
Taivas on pelon ja surun pilvien peittämä.
Maan yllä on tänään aukko.
Kunpa se jo huomenna olisi poissa.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 13/9/2016 - 10:35

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