
Broken Heroes

Lingua: Inglese


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They came to fight for glory in their thousands
Young men with their dreams
They died before the guns for their country
A book of faded pictures, broken dreams
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they now
The broken heroes
Uncle Sam is waiting with the draft card
He says you've got to fight the Vietcong
The stations full of flags and rule Britannia
The engine pulls you out towards the Somme
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they now
The broken heroes
The broken heroes
The broken heroes
The broken heroes
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they now
The broken heroes
The pipes are calling young men back to Belfast
The general says you march to Stalingrad
You rode into the valley with the hundred
Seven lonely graves on Goose Green
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they now
The broken heroes
The broken heroes
The broken heroes
The broken heroes
Where are they now
(Repeat to end)

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 17/1/2007 - 17:31

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