
No More War

Jacqueline Sharpe
Lingua: Inglese

Jacqueline Sharpe

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dall'album "No More War"
Pubblicata su Broadside # 75 (Ottobre 1966)

no more war broadside 75

The title track, "No More War" was centred around a speech given by Pope Paul VI to the United Nations General Assembly on 4 October 1965, captured on several LPs, including "Mission to America, October 4, 1965" (Columbia Records # xx2).

The Pope diplomatically did not mention any specific conflict, but sent out a general message of peace: "the blood of millions of men...useless massacres and fearful ruins have sealed the pact united you with a vow which must change the future of the world: Never again war, war never again! Peace". This criticism was in contrast to some American Church leaders who backed President Johnson in Vietnam - most notable Cardinal Francis Spellman (as dealt with in the "Dean Rusk Song" by Bill Frederick on the 1967 album "Hey, Hey...LBJ!" and in the unrecorded Tom Paxton song "The Cardinal" published in Broadside # 80, May 1967).
No more war, war never again
When Pope Paul came across the sea
He came with his message for you and me...

United Nations, best hope of mankind
What you build must never fall
It must be big enough for all

You great powers put away your pride
Each new nation at its birth
Must share the riches of this earth

We can't be brothers 'till the weapons fall from our hands
Let man be man's best friend
Let the world worst nightmare end

8/3/2016 - 23:40

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