Memorial Day’s on Monday but today I need a drink
Sometimes the past is such a mess I find it hard to think
So I set up on this exit just off the 85
With my flags and my old helmet and my will just to survive
And these steel legs that make me look like a scarecrow in a field
And this steel heart that beats in time but never really healed
So this flag's from my regiment and this from my hometown
And I live in hope that these Stars and Stripes won’t ever let me down
Memorial Day’s on Monday the parade will march though town
And the band will play ‘the green berets’ for the ones who got cut down
I’ll watch it on the evening news with these other broken vets
In this shelter that’s become our home with our memories and our regrets
Memorial Day’s on Monday but today I can’t forget
These scenes that haunt my memory from the calamities of Tet
That’s where I left my legs behind in the Battle of Saigon
Sometimes I wish they’d finished me as I strap these damn things on
My woman left me years ago we said goodbye as friends
She still tells me how sad she is in the postcards that she sends
They always come around this time with a postmark from Spokane
Her family’s all grown up now her youngest boy’s in Afghanistan
Memorial Day’s on Monday the parade will march though town
And the band will play ‘the green berets’ for the ones who got cut down
I’ll watch it on the evening news with these other broken vets
In this shelter that’s become our home with our memories and our regrets
Memorial Day’s on Monday they’ll march and wave Old Glory
But I’ll be at this traffic light with my steel legs and my story
So any change you’ve got I’ll take with a slug of humiliation
And just a touch of swallowed pride in the flag of our great nation
So spare a thought for the boys out there in a war they're going to lose
Who fight and die and all they get is two lines in the local news
Memorial Day’s on Monday and if I make another year
I’ll still be at this traffic light in this uniform I wear
Sometimes the past is such a mess I find it hard to think
So I set up on this exit just off the 85
With my flags and my old helmet and my will just to survive
And these steel legs that make me look like a scarecrow in a field
And this steel heart that beats in time but never really healed
So this flag's from my regiment and this from my hometown
And I live in hope that these Stars and Stripes won’t ever let me down
Memorial Day’s on Monday the parade will march though town
And the band will play ‘the green berets’ for the ones who got cut down
I’ll watch it on the evening news with these other broken vets
In this shelter that’s become our home with our memories and our regrets
Memorial Day’s on Monday but today I can’t forget
These scenes that haunt my memory from the calamities of Tet
That’s where I left my legs behind in the Battle of Saigon
Sometimes I wish they’d finished me as I strap these damn things on
My woman left me years ago we said goodbye as friends
She still tells me how sad she is in the postcards that she sends
They always come around this time with a postmark from Spokane
Her family’s all grown up now her youngest boy’s in Afghanistan
Memorial Day’s on Monday the parade will march though town
And the band will play ‘the green berets’ for the ones who got cut down
I’ll watch it on the evening news with these other broken vets
In this shelter that’s become our home with our memories and our regrets
Memorial Day’s on Monday they’ll march and wave Old Glory
But I’ll be at this traffic light with my steel legs and my story
So any change you’ve got I’ll take with a slug of humiliation
And just a touch of swallowed pride in the flag of our great nation
So spare a thought for the boys out there in a war they're going to lose
Who fight and die and all they get is two lines in the local news
Memorial Day’s on Monday and if I make another year
I’ll still be at this traffic light in this uniform I wear
Contributed by dq82 + Roger Lucey - 2016/3/4 - 11:15
COMUNICAZIONE DI SERVIZIO: Attenzione, siamo alla 24999 e stiamo aspettando Gaspard de la nuit (sarebbe meglio du jour a questo punto) per inserire la 25000! Bernart per favore aspetta un attimo a inserire nuove canzoni...
CCG Staff - 2016/3/4 - 11:24
Okkei okkei... Sono curioso come un macaco dal culo rosso: chissà cosa ci regalerà questa volta il buon Gaspard?
B.B. - 2016/3/4 - 11:27
Eccomi in tutto il mio "furgòre" (o furgone?...). Aspettate una ventina di minuti...
Gaspard du Matin - 2016/3/4 - 11:31
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Now Is The Time
Testo fornitoci direttamente da Roger Lucey (si veda You Only Need Say Nothing)
Tu hai visto la guerra da molto vicino, essendo diventato un reporter di guerra in diverse parti del mondo. Anche io ho fatto parte di un gruppo che scrive fieramente, a tratti rabbiosamente contro la guerra ma ascoltando la tua “Memorial Day” si avverte secondo me più tristezza che rabbia, non credi?
“Memorial Day” cerca di guardare alla situazione personale di un soldato che ha combattuto una guerra, pagato un gran prezzo (in questo caso ha perso le gambe) per poi essere dimenticato e messo da parte proprio dal paese per cui ha combattuto. Succede in tutte le guerre, spero di aver focalizzato come i politici usino spesso le persone per i propri scopi.