
Interstate 40

John D. Loudermilk
Language: English

John D. Loudermilk

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Parole e musica di John D Loudermilk, più noto come songwriter che come interprete, l’autore di canzoni come Indian Reservation (The Lament Of The Cherokee Reservation Indian) e Tobacco Road
Nell’album “John D. Loudermilk Sings A Bizarre Collection Of The Most Unusual Songs” del 1966

John D. Loudermilk Sings A Bizarre Collection Of The Most Unusual Songs

Una canzone che fu ispirata all’autore dai racconti del padre, John D. Loudermilk Sr., sulla vita che fu costretto a fare negli anni della Grande Depressione. La famiglia Loudermilk era originaria di Durham, North Carolina, e la Interstate 40 è l’autostrada che corre lungo la parte centro meridionale degli States, dalla California fino al North Carolina. Era una delle vie principali lungo le quali si muovevano all’epoca i massicci flussi migratori di disperati che vagavano per il paese in cerca di un lavoro…

Walkin' down the shoulder of Interstate 40
Just a-cussin' ev'ry rock that I kick
Since I lost ev'rything in the last depression
I just give up and I've quit
But I'm happy though I ain't had nothin' since mornin'
But a cold drink and a pie
And it rained up the road 'bout an hour ago
But I've walked these brogans dry
But that's just life out on Interstate 40
But I'm a happy son of a gun
The government's givin' me Interstate 40
And the Good Lord's give me a thumb

Now, you gotta be careful out on Interstate 40
'Cause the highway men ain't dumb
There's a law against hikin' out on Interstate 40
So you gotta know who to thumb
But if you're like me, you wouldn't mind at all
'Cause what the law calls punishment
Is ninety wonderful days of patchin'
Up ole Interstate 40 cement
Yeah, that's just my life...

Now the world's my castle and the grass my carpet
And my heart is all my own
The rain's my bath and a-Interstate 40
Is my home, sweet home, sweet home
Now, when I die just plant me close
To where the big trucks whine and moan
Just anywhere along ole Interstate 40
Will rest my weary bones
Ha ha ha, that's just my life...

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2016/3/3 - 10:15

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