
Where's My Apple Pie?

Joan Baez
Langue: anglais

Joan Baez

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(LA CCG NUMERO 10000 / AWS NUMBER 10000 - 6 dicembre 2009 - December 6, 2009)
I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night
(Alfred Hayes)
Marriott, U.S.A.
(Joan Baez)

Parole e musica di Joan Baez
In un 45 giri inciso per la A&M venduto soltanto in alcuni concerti per sostenere un’associazione di veterani della guerra in Vietnam. A molti di questi che partecipavano ai concerti il disco fu regalato.
Testo trovato sul sito dell’autrice

The Complete A&M Recordings

La trovo soltanto nella raccolta “The Complete A&M Recordings” pubblicata nel 2003

Una canzone che la Baez ha in seguito interpretata, insieme a I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night e Salt of the Earth, durante la sua performance al concerto per la campagna “Occupy Wall Street” nel 2011.
Been sitting on old park benches
Brother, hasn't it been fun?
But you remember me from the trenches
I fought in World War One
Yes, you saw us off at the troop train
Smiling a brave goodbye
But where were you when we came home
To claim our apple pie [1]

Oh where's our apple pie, my friends?
Where's our apple pie?
We've walked and wheeled from the battlefield
Now where's our apple pie?

World War Two was a favorite
God was surely on our side
The teenage kids enlisted with
The blessings of their daddys' pride
Well the wars may change but not so the glaze
In the young boys' eyes
When they cry out for their mamas
In the hours before they die

Oh where's our apple pie, my friends?
Where's our apple pie?
We've walked and wheeled from the battlefield
Now where's our apple pie?

I volunteered for the last one
And I don't want to moralize
But somehow I thought we deserved the best
For the way we threw away our lives
For we all believed in something
I know it wasn't very clear
But I know it wasn't rats in a hospital room
And a broken-down wheelchair

Oh where's our apple pie, my friends?
Where's our apple pie?
We've walked and wheeled from the battlefield
Now where's our apple pie?

Yes, Johnny finally got his gun [2]
Before he got his apple pie
Now he hasn't got a hand to eat it with
But still he doesn't want to die
Because he prefers to go on fighting
And let his baby brother know
When the next time around the call goes out
It's "Hell no, we won't go!" [3]

There'll be no World War Three, my friends
There'll be no World War Three
We've walked and wheeled from the battlefield
There'll be no World War Three
[1] apple pie: la quintessenza di ciò che è statunitense; ricompensa; nello slang ha anche una forte connotazione sessuale. Quindi anche nel senso del ritorno a casa, del ritorno all’amore.
[2] Si veda Dalton Trumbo: Johnny Got His Gun / E Johnny prese il fucile. Page 250 / Pagina 250.
[3] Si veda Teacher Uncle Ho

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 2/3/2016 - 15:39

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