
Folk Against the Fascism

Hombre all'ombra
Lingua: Inglese

Hombre all'ombra

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Hombre All'ombra
Hombre All'ombra

Nata durante le registrazioni di questo CD, e’ il nostro piccolo contributo folk all’antifascismo.
Play loud, play down the road
folk against the fascism
the fascism around the road
across the borders
smack down the walls
folk against the fascism
and the racism around the world

Move up your feet
Rise up your voice
folk against the fascism
the fascism around the road
... we stand
screaming at the world
folk against the fascism
and the racism around the world

Play loud, play down the road
folk against the fascism
the fascism around the road
across the borders
smack down the walls
folk against the fascism
and the racism around the world

inviata da dq82 - 29/2/2016 - 12:56

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