
They Feel at Home

Frederick Roussel
Lingua: Inglese

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They feel at home with slavery
They feel at home with war
They feel at home with fascism
They feel at home with fraud
They feel at home with secret codes
And bendin’ all the laws
They feel at home baby
But they ain’t at home at all

They feel at home with evil
They feel at home with pain
They feel at home with cynicism
Feel at home with shame
They feel at home with power
And dictators like themselves
They feel at home baby
And it sure feels like hell

They feel at home with slavery
They feel at home with war
They feel at home with fascism
They feel at home with fraud
They feel at home with secret codes
And bendin’ all the laws
They feel at home baby
But they ain’t at home at all

inviata da Detail Music Publishing - 23/1/2016 - 20:30

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