
Cuddle (Against the War)

Nancy Nicolson
Langue: anglais

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"Written by Nancy Nicolson, the Scottish singer songwriter. An anti-war song with a sense of humour."
Testo trovato sull’imprescindibile Mudcat Café

Cuddle a Russian, peasant or Czar
And he may show you his... samovar (1)
They say the Russians answer “Niet”
I've never had that answer yet !

Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle against the war
Use your arms for cuddlin, that's what arms are for
Escalation could be bliss
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a kiss.
[or Escalation could be luck
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a fuck.]

Cuddle a Frenchman from Gay Paree (2)
Go and sit upon his knee
Run your fingers through his hair
And leave the rest to Laissez-faire !

Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle against the war
Use your arms for cuddlin, that's what arms are for
Escalation could be bliss
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a kiss.
[or Escalation could be luck
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a fuck.]

Cuddle and Injun, do it with verve (3)
Break down that Brave's reserve
Get into a big Pow-wow
I'm sure that he will show you "How !"

Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle against the war
Use your arms for cuddlin, that's what arms are for
Escalation could be bliss
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a kiss.
[or Escalation could be luck
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a fuck.]

Cuddle Australian, a wizard from Oz
Lie on the beach with Santa Claus
Rub his back with amber oils
And wait until his Billy boils ! (4)

Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle against the war
Use your arms for cuddlin, that's what arms are for
Escalation could be bliss
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a kiss.
[or Escalation could be luck
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a fuck.]

Cuddle a Scotsman, he's Clydeside built
Ask what's worn beneath the Kilt
"There's nothing worn North of the border,
Ma dear, it's all in working order !" (5)

Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle against the war
Use your arms for cuddlin, that's what arms are for
Escalation could be bliss
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a kiss.
[or Escalation could be luck
Start off with a cuddle, end up with a fuck.]

1) Samovar: bollitore per l’acqua tradizionale in Russia, paesi slavi, Iran, Kashmir e Turchia. Il termine è qui usato con chiara allusione sessuale.

2) Gay Paree: espressione che credo sia un sinonimo di Belle Époque, risalente al periodo della svolta liberale in Francia, quando nel 1880 salì al potere il governo laico e di sinistra di Jules Ferry.

3) Injun: termine peggiorativo anticamente usato per i nativi americani, con qualche assonanza con cajun

4) Billy: il significato mi pare chiaro nel contesto. In slang Billy può voler dire molte cose, in genere definisce un bel ragazzo ma qui, più che al ragazzo, ci si riferisce al suo “grosso cazzo”.

5) Clydeside: credo che definisca gli scozzesi della regione di Glasgow, quelli che vivono lungo il fiume Clyde. Il senso della strofa mi pare chiaro: sotto il kilt il “True Scotsman” non porta nulla, il “brando” sempre pronto all’occasione. Nel film della saga di 007 “On Her Majesty's Secret Service” del 1969 (“année erotique”, canterebbe Gainsbourg) il James Bond di turno – interpretato da tal George Lazenby – si toglie il kilt dinnanzi alla Bond Girl di turno – anzi, la moglie, interpretata dall’attrice Diana Rigg – al che lei ride e grida: “Ma allora è vero!” (che sotto il kilt non si portano le mutande)…

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