
Atomic Energy

Sir Lancelot
Lingua: Inglese

Sir Lancelot

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Parole di Raymond Glaser (?)
Musica di Lancelot Victor Edward Pinard (1902-2001), cantante ed attore originario di Trinidad e Tobago, re del calypso negli USA del secondo dopoguerra.
Testo trovato su Cold War Music

Atomic Platters

Trovo il brano nelle raccolte “Songs For Political Action - Folk Music And The American Left 1926 – 1953” (Bear Family Records, 1996), “The Little Red Box Of Protest Songs” (Proper Box, 2009) e – naturally – nel cofanetto “Atomic Platters - Cold War Music From The Golden Age Of Homeland Security” (1999-2005).

Sir Lancelot non compose soltanto calypso da intrattenimento, ma parecchie sue canzoni avevano testi pacifisti o di sinistra, basti pensare a titoli come "Defenders of Stalingrad" e "Walk in Peace". Fu ammirato e imitato da musicisti diventati poi molto più famosi di lui, come Harry Belafonte e Leadbelly. Pare che quest’ultimo fu ispirato ai testi di Sir Lancelot nello scrivere la sua “Equality for Negroes”
Some men with brains in their cranium
Took a piece of uranium
They did what other men couldn't do
They split the atom right in two

Now it's up to the people to crusade
To see that no more bombs are made
That it's great force should only be used
For peace and democracy

They took all the U 238 that
They could find in the United States
They gathered it and made it all
Into the size of a billiard ball

Now it's up to the people to crusade
To see that no more bombs are made
That it's great force should only be used
For peace and democracy

Down to the south and west they went
To try out their experiment
To find out what they wanted to know
In the desert of New Mexico

Now it's up to the people to crusade
To see that no more bombs are made
That it's great force should only be used
For peace and democracy

If you should travel out west someday
And happen to stop off in Santa Fe
Just look around and take a stroll
You'll come across a great big hole

Now it's up to the people to crusade
To see that no more bombs are made
That it's great force should only be used
For peace and democracy

Today it's the size of a billiard ball
Tomorrow it'll be the size of city hall
And when they drop it, you will see
The place where this earth used to be

Now it's up to the people to crusade
To see that no more bombs are made
That it's great force should only be used
For peace and democracy

We all can have prosperity
With this atomic energy
The world can have its pork and beans
Or be blown into smithereens

Now it's up to the people to crusade
To see that no more bombs are made
That it's great force should only be used
For peace and democracy

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 15/1/2016 - 13:36

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