

Adrian Belew
Langue: anglais

Adrian Belew

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Fuego y miedo
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Parole di David Bowie
Musica di Adrian Belew, multi-strumentista e songwriter membro dei King Crimson per quasi 30 anni
Nell’album di Belew intitolato “Young Lions” del 1990

Young Lions

Questa canzone mi ha ricordato subito Clint Eastwood, a buon diritto acclamatissimo attore e regista, ma che con i suoi film degli anni 70 e 80 (la saga dell’ispettore Callaghan, il revanscista “Firefox”, il maschio “Gunny”,…) ha impersonato l’america del “gunman” Ronald Reagan e ha fatto la fortuna della National Rifle Association…

My sort of star
They put you there
You're all of us now
You're all over town
On wrappers and cans
You're bigger than life
You're braver than dad
You're a gunman
Holding your own
You're a gunman
Never alone

Leader of packs
Shadow of death
Killer in chic
Never betrayed
Friend of our kids
You're a gunman
Holding your own
You're a gunman
Never alone

Trader in arms
Kids on the streets
Buying your charms

My sort of star
We put you there
You're all of us now
You're all over town
On wrappers and cans
You're bigger than life
You're braver than dad
You're a gunman
Holding your own
You're a gunman
You're never alone


My sort of star
We're bleeding for you
We put you there
What would you give
You're all of us now
We're burning for you
You're all over our town, gunman
You're on wrappers and cans
You're bigger than life
And we're dying for you
And you're braver than dad, gunman
Your women are dogs
But they're braver than you

We're bleeding for you
What would you give
We're burning for you

We're bleeding for you
We invented you
What would you give
Now we gotta live with you
We're burning for you
You're more solid than a rock
A rock of cocaine or crack
Or ice or death
Like a rock of death
Like a grave stone

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 30/12/2015 - 14:22

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