
Death of Mother Nature Suite

Langue: anglais


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Scritta da Kerry Allen Livgren
Nell’album intitolato “Kansas”


Se a qualcuno fosse sfuggito, questo brano - che contribuisco per il percorso sulla Guerra alla Terra – sta in un disco intitolato “Kansas” della band americana di rock progressive Kansas, che loro erano di Topeka, che è una ridente cittadina del… Kansas! (non gli mancava la fantasia a ‘sti qua!)
Every day she gets a little weaker;
The beauty she once knew has come and gone;
We've murdered all her sons and all her daughters;
The blood is on your hands, the time has come…
And now she's gonna die!

We've strangled all her trees and starved her creatures;
There's poison in the sea and in the air;
But worst of all, we've learned to live without her;
We've lost the very meaning of our lives…
And now she's gonna die!

Once she ruled the earth with love and wisdom;
But we were much too smart to live her way;
With greed and lust we tried to rise above her;
The ignorance of man will reach an end…
'Cause now we're gonna die!

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 29/12/2015 - 15:04

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