
Rant ’N’ Roll

John Trudell
Lingua: Inglese

John Trudell

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Parole e musica di John Trudell (1946-2015), musicista ed attivista politico nativo americano, di origine Santee Dakota, scomparso di recente
Nell’album intitolato “Johnny Damas & Me”

Johnny Damas & Me
Welcome to graffiti land
All the rides are in your head
The ticket is what is thought
And what is said
Our attitudes are climbing
We don't have time for more mind-wasting lies
Whatever it is you’re doing we're not going to buy it
It’s time to say something not a time to be quiet

Rant and roll heartspeak from the spirit
Say it loud so everyone can hear it
Say what you mean mean what you say
Rant and roll when you feel that way

Religions of men heavy with fear
Industrial war against the land
Every woman knows the fugitive
Rich men keep living off the poor
The soul is what’s left after they eat your spirit
When every act is an act of self-defense
We have to do something or perish in the pretense

In this together and on our own
A reality of how we feel
Either we can dance with someone
Or we can dance alone
A plurality of sight and view
We and us are me and you

Predator views are way too tragic
Mother Earth gives us power
Father Sky makes us magic
Life doesn’t have to be bitter
Even when its not always sweet
Synchronicity is the rendezvous
When magic and power meet

Rant and roll heartspeak from the spirit
Say it loud so everyone can hear it
Say what you mean mean what you say
Rant and roll when you feel that way

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 15/12/2015 - 10:27

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