
Botha the Mosquito

Bunny Wailer
Langue: anglais

Bunny Wailer

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Parole e musica di Bunny Wailer (1947-), membro fondatore de The Wailers con Bob Marley e Peter Tosh
Nell’album intitolato “Liberation”


Canzone dedicata a Pieter Willem Botha (1916-2006), detto “Die Groote Krokodill”, protagonista della vita politica sudafricana dagli anni 50 fino al 1989, promotore delle guerre in Angola e Namibia, strenuo fautore dell’Apartheid e dei Bantustan (le “riserve” per i neri, molte delle quali furono formalizzate come “indipendenti” proprio tra gli anni 70 e 80, privando contemporaneamente i loro abitanti della cittadinanza sudafricana), responsabile principale della sanguinosa repressione poliziesca contro i movimenti di protesta neri, soprattutto ANC ed Inkata.


Personaggio che mi pare - quanto a storia, determinazione, ferocia ed ottusità - molto affine ad Ariel Sharon, come all’ex premier israeliano (finito all’inferno l’anno scorso dopo 8 anni di coma per un’emorragia cerebrale) anche a Botha sul più bello venne un bel colpo e fu costretto al ritiro. Morì nel 2006, a 90 anni, senza aver mai cambiato idea: i “kaffir” (afrikaans per nigger, negri) dovevano stare al loro posto, cioè sotto i bianchi.
Ever since the abolition of slavery,
All nations scarred by the great sore,
Has revolutionized the ideological errors of their forefathers,
Creating a civilization where human beings,
Of whatever colour, race or creed,
Should be born with the equal privileges,
Of the Fundamental Humans Rights,
As established by The League of Nations,
With respect to all human beings.

But if human beings are what they are supposed to be,
Then surely, this cannot be seen in Botha,
And if the beast was discovered,
In Adolph Hitler and Mussolini, the Anti-Christ's,
Evidently, this can be seen in President Botha, the mosquito.

President Botha is the mosquito,
Who annihilate Africa.
President Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.
President Botha is the mosquito,
Who annihilate, annihilate, Africa.
President Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.

It was Columbus, Drake, Hawkins, Raleigh and Scott,
Who established colonialism.
This aspired Livingston, Rhodes and Smith,
Who brought about a sub-human regime.
With the aid and support from mystery Babylon,
Started the buying and selling of Africans.
It became a marketplace for human cargo,
And the burial ground for the inhabitants.

With men like Botha, the mosquito,
Who annihilate Africa.
President Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.
President Botha is the mosquito,
Who annihilate, annihilate, Africa.
Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.

From the stagnant swamps of colonialism,
Sprung the virus of apartheid.
From the rituals of imperialism,
Evolves mass murders and genocide.
Unquenchable greed and lust for power,
Blind the eye to international morality.
Neglect and disrespect for humanity,
Scares the whole international community.

With men like Botha, the mosquito,
Who annihilate Africa.
President Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.
President Botha is the mosquito,
Who annihilate, annihilate, Africa.
Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.

President Botha. Hey!
Respect Tutu and Mandela.
President Botha. Pull out!
Pull out a Africa.
President Botha. Hey!
Respect Tutu and Mandela.
President Botha. Ease!
Pull out a Africa.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey of Jamaica,
Prophesied of a liberated Africa.
When the East and the West,
And the North together,
Unites to liberate South Africa.
The OAU and the United Nations,
Must stop all hypocritical sanctions.
For violation of the Fundamental Humans Rights,
Could cause racial confrontations.

By men like Botha, is the mosquito,
Who annihilate Africa.
President Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.
President Botha is the mosquito,
Who annihilate, annihilate, Africa.
Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.

President Botha is the mosquito,
Who annihilate Africa.
President Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.
President Botha is the mosquito,
Who annihilate, annihilate, Africa.
Botha with the deadly bite,
Spreads the disease of apartheid.

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 23/11/2015 - 10:06

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