I write to give word the war is over
Send my cinders home to mother
They gave me a medal for my valor
Leaden trumpets spit the soot of power
They say "I'm on your side when nobody is, cause nobody is
Come sit right here and sleep while I slip poison in your ear"
We are waiting on a telegram to give us news of the fall
I am sorry to report dear Paris is burning after all
We have taken to the streets in open rejoice revolting
We are dancing a black waltz fair Paris is burning after all
Oh no
Enclosed in this letter there's a picture
Black and white for your refrigerator
Sticks and stones have made me smarter
It's words that cut me under my armor
They say "I'm on your side when nobody is, cause nobody is
Come sit right here and sleep while I slip poison in your ear"
We are waiting on a telegram to give us news of the fall
I am sorry to report dear Paris is burning after all
We have taken to the streets in open rejoice revolting
We are dancing a black waltz fair Paris is burning after all
Oh no, ooh
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris to the ground
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris ashes now
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris to the ground
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris ashes now
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris to the ground
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris ashes now…
Send my cinders home to mother
They gave me a medal for my valor
Leaden trumpets spit the soot of power
They say "I'm on your side when nobody is, cause nobody is
Come sit right here and sleep while I slip poison in your ear"
We are waiting on a telegram to give us news of the fall
I am sorry to report dear Paris is burning after all
We have taken to the streets in open rejoice revolting
We are dancing a black waltz fair Paris is burning after all
Oh no
Enclosed in this letter there's a picture
Black and white for your refrigerator
Sticks and stones have made me smarter
It's words that cut me under my armor
They say "I'm on your side when nobody is, cause nobody is
Come sit right here and sleep while I slip poison in your ear"
We are waiting on a telegram to give us news of the fall
I am sorry to report dear Paris is burning after all
We have taken to the streets in open rejoice revolting
We are dancing a black waltz fair Paris is burning after all
Oh no, ooh
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris to the ground
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris ashes now
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris to the ground
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris ashes now
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris to the ground
Dance poor people dance and drown
Dance fair Paris ashes now…
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2015/11/17 - 10:42
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Parole e musica di Anne Erin "Annie" Clark, in arte St. Vincent, cantautrice e multistrumentista statunitense.
In un EP del 2006 e poi nel suo album d’esordio intitolato “Marry Me” dell’anno seguente.
“The war-is-not-over Paris is Burning is a woozy Weimar-esque waltz filled out by phased effects, a martial groove and sneaking, cynical lines like the Shakespeare allusion "Come sit right here and sleep while I slip poison in your ear.” (Joshua Klein, da Pitchfork)
Una canzone complessa, su più piani di lettura, quello storico, della Rivoluzione francese e di Parigi occupata e bombardata durante l’ultimo conflitto mondiale, a quello dell’attualità, con le rivolte delle banlieue francesi nel 2005, le più gravi dal maggio 1968, quando il presidente Chirac e il ministro dell’interno Sarkozy – come oggi Hollande – dichiararono per alcune settimane lo stato di emergenza in base ad una legge varata durante la guerra d’Algeria…
Oggi, dopo le stragi al Charlie Hebdo ed il massacro del 13 novembre scorso, non ho ancora sentito un commento che metta in relazione questi ultimi orribili episodi alla sommossa del 2005 e all’intervento militare in Libia nel 2011, inaugurato proprio dalla Francia… Voglio dire – e senza giustificare minimamente i bastardi tagliagole in nomine dei dello Stato islamico – che le analisi sottovalutano le responsabilità dei dirigenti politici occidentali, e in Europa dei francesi come dei britannici in particolare, per quanto è successo; gravissime responsabilità sia in politica estera che interna, sia pure nel garantire ai propri cittadini un livello di sicurezza adeguato a tutto l’inferno che hanno pesantemente contribuito a scatenare (e non da oggi, potendosi tranquillamente risalire alla “Tempesta nel deserto” del 1991 e alla “Coalizione dei volenterosi” del 2003)…
Siamo sempre alle solite. Siamo presi nel mezzo, e muoriamo, schiacciati tra un moderno imperialismo e un medievale fondamentalismo che oggi si contrappongono nell’affermazione di nuovi equilibri geopolitici… Ma è sempre la vecchia, schifosa guerra dei 100.000 anni che i ricchi fanno ai poveri.