
4 Little Girls

Pantera Saint-Montaigne
Lingua: Inglese

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Scritta per il documentario “4 Little Girls” diretto dal regista afroamericano Spike Lee e dedicato al Birmingham Sunday, quel terribile 15 settembre 1963 quando a Birmingham, Alabama, i suprematisti bianchi del KKK fecero saltare in aria una chiesa battista sulla 16ma strada, uccidendo 4 bambine e ferendo altri 22 giovanissimi neri.

4 Little Girls
On a sweet September morning in '63
in a quiet Baptist church on sixteenth street
children were sitting in bible class
when hooded men threw dynamite through the glass and

4 little girls,
4 little girls lost their lives

Little Dee McNair was only 9 years old
Carole played the clarinet in school shows
Cynthia was her mama's only child and
Addie Mae had just enrolled in junior high when

4 little girls,
4 little girls lost their lives

So many lost in the tide
of violence against Civil Rights
never forget or forgive
the soul of a nation cried

4 little girls,
4 little girls lost their lives

Now won’t you just say a prayer?

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 3/11/2015 - 11:01

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