
Big Chimney

Richard Thompson
Lingua: Inglese

Richard Thompson

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Industry, un disco del secolo scorso, uno di quelli che riesce a commuoverti e farti incazzare allo stesso tempo; gli argomenti sono le vertenze di lavoro nell'acciaieria, i bambini al lavoro nelle miniere di carbone, la desolazione della dissocupazione, il paesaggio che cambia dopo la fine dell'era industriale e ancora picchetti di donne e potenziali operai sabotatori ipnotizzati dalla mostruosa macchina che oramai governa completamente la loro vita. Un disco anche memorabile musicalmente grazie al contributo di Danny Thompson, altro "grande vecchio" del folk inglese.
Flavio Poltronieri
All of my life I feed the big chimney
Coke and ore, I pour it in
Food for the hungry mouth of the monster
Got to keep the production rolling

Black ore, brown ore and Santander
Pour that Blue Billy onto the bell
Eighteen hundredweight on the barrow
Lift that ore and push like hell

Pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron

Drive the steel bar into the taphole
Pour the metal down into the sows
Blasted one side, frozen the other side
Rain and snow and sleet and blow

Taller than the church's steeple
Forever the big chimney owns my soul
I'm midwife to a pig of iron
Born of flame and sweat and coal

Pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron

All of my life I feed the big chimney
Coke and ore, I pour it in
Food for the hungry mouth of the monster
Got to keep the production rolling

Pig iron, pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron, pig iron
Making pig iron, pig iron, pig iron, pig iron, pig iron

inviata da dq82 - 22/9/2015 - 09:34

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