
I Had a Dream

John Sebastian
Language: English

John Sebastian

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Parole e musica di John Sebastian
Eseguita da vivo al festival di Woodstock il 16 agosto del 1969, insieme ad altre quattro canzoni, due sue ("How Have You Been" e "Rainbows All Over Your Blues") e due della sua band dell’epoca, The Lovin' Spoonful ("Darling Be Home Soon" e "Younger Generation")
John Sebastian non era tra gli artisti contrattati ma, essendo presente al festival, fu ingaggiato al momento per esibirsi nell’attesa dei “pezzi da 90”
Poi inclusa nel suo album di debutto, “John B. Sebastian”, pubblicato all’inizio del 1970.

John B. Sebastian

E questa, come abbiamo fatto finora a dimenticarcela !?!
I had a dream last night
What a lovely dream it was
I dreamed we all were alright
Happy in a land of Oz

Why did everybody laugh
when I told them my dream
I guess they all were so far
from that kind of scene
Feeling mean

I heard a song last night
What a lovely song it was
I thought I´d hum it all night
Unforgettable because

All of the players were playing together
And all of the heavies were light as a feather
All I remember is a feeling tomorrow
And as I recall the rest will just follow

I had a dream last night
What a lovely dream it was
I dreamed we all were alright
Happy in a land of Oz
Happy in a land of Oz

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2015/8/19 - 09:17

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