
Brown-Eyed Children of the Sun

Daniel Valdez
Lingua: Inglese

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Poesia di Pedro Contreras
Musica di Sylvia Galan e David Saucedo
Nel disco di Daniel Valdez (fratello di Luis Váldez, tra i fondatori de El Teatro Campesino) intitolato “Mestizo”, pubblicato nel 1974
Testo trovato su sito di Terry Scott, folksinger californiana


Ancora una canzone nata durante le lotte portate avanti negli anni 60 e 70 dall’United Farm Workers, organizzazione sindacale dei braccianti californiani fondata da César Chávez nel 1965.

Up to California from Mexico you come
to the Sacramento Valley, to toil in the sun
Your wife and seven children, they’re working every one
And what will you be giving to your brown-eyed children of the sun?

Your face is lined and wrinkled and your age is forty-one
Your back is bent from picking, like your dying time has come
Your children’s eyes are smiling, their lives have just begun
And what will you be giving to your brown-eyed children of the sun?

You marched on Easter Sunday, to the Capitol you’ve come
To fight for union wages, and your fight has just begun
You’re a proud man, you’re a free man, and your heritage is won
And that you can be giving to your brown-eyed children of the sun!

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 18/8/2015 - 15:12

This song be lingers to the Contreras family and was wrongfully taken by Valdez. We the Contreras family hold the copy rights to the lyric to this song!

John Contreras - 9/5/2017 - 18:08

That's correct. The poem, "Brown Eyed Children of the Sun" was written by Pedro Contreras. It was published in "La Raza" newspaper during the late sixties early seventies.
David Saucedo and Sylvia Galán collaborated on putting the poem to music--Galán with the melody, Saucedo with the chordal arrangement.

David Saucedo - 10/7/2017 - 00:59

However the lyrics were obtained it was not by the by the permission of The Contreras Family. Also NOT one penny has ever been given in royalties to The Contreras Family by any of the makers of this song!!!

John Contreras - 1/10/2020 - 00:34

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