
Will You Work for Peace or Wait for War?

Agnes Friesen
Lingua: Inglese

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Parole e musica di Agnes “Aggie” Friesen
Una canzone dimenticata eppure storica, il primo testo ad essere pubblicato sul primo numero di Broadside, febbraio 1962

Broadside # 1

Agnes “Aggie” Friesen, scrittrice, poetessa e disegnatrice (suoi molti dei disegni a penna che illustravano i numeri di Broadside), è la figlia di Gordon Friesen e Agnes “Sis” Cunningham, fondatori di Broadside e membri degli Almanac Singers negli anni 40.
Come all you good people and answer to me
Will you work for Peace or wait for war
For humanity’s threatened by a terrible fate
Will you work for Peace before is too late.

Will you see your family, your children be killed
Will you watch your cities come tumbling down
Will you work for Peace or wait for war
In your concrete coffins down under the ground

Will you die in the explosion or bake in the blast
When your homes, your schools and your factories fall down
Will you leave your cities and die in the woods
Or crawl into your coffins down under the ground

Will you see your family, your children be killed
Will you watch your cities come tumbling down
Will you work for Peace or wait for war
In your concrete coffins down under the ground

Can we live like brothers or die like dogs
In a puff of smoke and a deafening roar
Can we find a new way for mankind to live
In a country of peace and a world without war.

Will you see your family, your children be killed
Will you watch your cities come tumbling down
Will you work for Peace or wait for war
In your concrete coffins down under the ground

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 12/8/2015 - 13:09

Pagina principale CCG

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