

Richard Marot
Lingua: Inglese

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This place is not my home,
There is no place to build my home
Because my home is inside my heart
Even in my darkest night my home is with me.

My home is in my beautiful memories
And I am not here, I am not there
And I am not anywhere, anywhere;
Because my home remains always in my heart

And I am humming because I am dreaming
And I am dreaming on a more beautiful home,
A home in which every dream can be possible.

And there is no house like the home of my heart
And I am smirking while I am walking glad
Because in my home I can dream on a better world.

And there is no house like the home of my heart
And I am smirking while I am walking glad
Because in my home I can dream on a better world.

inviata da Carles Viadel - 24/7/2015 - 22:56

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