
France, Having Survived the Normandy Invasion, D-Day

Alan Louis Smith
Language: English

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Parole di George W. Honts (1907-1945), ufficiale medico nella 500th Medical Collecting Company dell’esercito americano, ucciso in Germania il 24 marzo 1945 durante l’attraversamento del Reno.

George W. Honts scrisse molte lettere d’amore alla moglie Evelyn, alcune delle quali sono state recentemente musicate da Alan Louis Smith (1955-), pianista e docente di strumenti a tastiera presso la USC Thornton School of Music di Los Angeles, California, nel ciclo intitolato “Vignettes: Letters from George to Evelyn: from the Private Papers of a World War II Bride”
Testo trovato su The LiederNet Archive

L’amore che irrompe tra le bombe ed il fango durante i terribili giorni del D-Day, lo sbarco alleato in Normandia…
France July 2nd '44

Downpour of rain -- bombers -- fighters -- mud -- shattered dwellings -- dead livestock -- uprooted trees -- etc.

France 14 Oct. '44

The order of the day is mud -- mud -- mud -- Thin slippery mud, thick sticky mud, French mud, German mud -- The rain is continuing unabated and the channel is pounding at its cliff confines as though it were possessed of the devil himself.

France Nov. 22 '44

It is still inconceivable to me that you have chosen to share you life with me...a love which has given me new life, a new goal and a new approach to heaven.

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2015/7/24 - 09:38

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