
Liverpool Lullaby

Judy Collins
Langue: anglais

Judy Collins

Liste des versions

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In My Life

Ho attribuito questa “industrial-strength lullaby” a Judy Collins perché la sua versione del 1966, nell’album “In My Life”, è forse la più famosa. Va detto però che fu incisa prima da Marian McKenzie e dal The Ian Campbell Folk Group. Notevole anche l’interpretazione di Priscilla “Cilla” Black del 1969.
Oh you are a mucky kid,
Dirty as a dustbin lid.
When he hears the things you did,
You'll gerra belt from your Dad.
Oh you have your father's nose,
So crimson in the dark it glows,
If you're not asleep when the boozers close,
You'll gerra belt from your Dad.

You look so scruffy lying dur
Strawberry-jam tats in yer 'air,
Though in the world you haven't a care
And I have got so many.
It's quite a struggle every day
Living on your father's pay,
The bugger drinks it all away
And leaves me without any.

Although we have no silver spoon,
Better days are coming soon
Now Nelly's working at the Lune
And she gets paid on Friday.
Perhaps one day we'll have a splash,
When Littlewoods provide the cash,
We'll get a house in Knotty Ash
And buy your Dad a brewery.

Oh you are a mucky kid,
Dirty as a dustbin lid.
When he hears the things you did
You'll gerra belt from your Dad.
Oh you have your father's face,
You're growing up a real hard case,
But there's no one can take your place,
.... Go fast asleep for yer Mammy.

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 17/7/2015 - 09:20

Potrà fare piacere al webmaster Lorenzo che Stan Kelly abbia realizzato, oltre a molti testi sulla programmazione informatica, anche un album intitolato “I Chose Friden – Songs for Cybernetic Lovers. Computer humour songs” (1963). “Friden” – da Carl Friden, ingegnere ed imprenditore californiano di origine svedese – era una marca di macchine da scrivere e calcolatori elettromeccanici famosa nella prima metà del secolo scorso e fino agli anni 60.

Bernart Bartleby - 17/7/2015 - 09:24

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