And so we have to inform you,
Dear readers, oh, dear users,
That some fuckin’ services
That some fuckin’ services
Used by our website,
Oh, by our website
Are using pro-pro-pro
Are using pro-pro-pro
Profilation cookies,
Oh, yea, profilation cookies
But please don’t ask us
What the heck these fuckin’
Pro-pro-profilation cookies are
I remember ol' grandma’s cookies
They were so fuckin’ sweet
Oh, yea, so fuckin’ sweet
Kinda round shaped diabetes, yea,
But they were no pro-pro-pro
No profilation cookies at all
And so we have to inform you,
Dear readers, oh, dear users,
That all this is required
That all this is required
By the new Eu-Eu-Eu-Eu
By the new European laws
An’ so we’re usin’ pro-pro-pro
An’so we’re usin’ pro-pro-pro
Those fuckin’ profilation cookies,
Oh yea, fuckin’ profilation cookies
But please just don’t ask us
What the heck these fuckin’ new
These fuckin’ European laws are
We support no fuckin’ laws
We’re strugglin’ against laws
We don’t givadam’ ‘bout laws
An’ so don’t we ‘bout Europe
An’ its profilation cookies,
Yea, its fuckin’ bitter cookies.
I remember ol' grandpa’s cookies,
They were hard as steel oh yea
Cuz they were made of steel
Ready for the ass of blackies
Nostra patria è il mondo intero,
Nostra legge è la libertà
E i cùchis tu ll’à mettenculo
Ar budello di tu’ mà,
Ar budello di tu’ mà, oh yea!
Dear readers, oh, dear users,
That some fuckin’ services
That some fuckin’ services
Used by our website,
Oh, by our website
Are using pro-pro-pro
Are using pro-pro-pro
Profilation cookies,
Oh, yea, profilation cookies
But please don’t ask us
What the heck these fuckin’
Pro-pro-profilation cookies are
I remember ol' grandma’s cookies
They were so fuckin’ sweet
Oh, yea, so fuckin’ sweet
Kinda round shaped diabetes, yea,
But they were no pro-pro-pro
No profilation cookies at all
And so we have to inform you,
Dear readers, oh, dear users,
That all this is required
That all this is required
By the new Eu-Eu-Eu-Eu
By the new European laws
An’ so we’re usin’ pro-pro-pro
An’so we’re usin’ pro-pro-pro
Those fuckin’ profilation cookies,
Oh yea, fuckin’ profilation cookies
But please just don’t ask us
What the heck these fuckin’ new
These fuckin’ European laws are
We support no fuckin’ laws
We’re strugglin’ against laws
We don’t givadam’ ‘bout laws
An’ so don’t we ‘bout Europe
An’ its profilation cookies,
Yea, its fuckin’ bitter cookies.
I remember ol' grandpa’s cookies,
They were hard as steel oh yea
Cuz they were made of steel
Ready for the ass of blackies
Nostra patria è il mondo intero,
Nostra legge è la libertà
E i cùchis tu ll’à mettenculo
Ar budello di tu’ mà,
Ar budello di tu’ mà, oh yea!